The plan

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**Next day**

I woke up, got changed, thought it would be a good Idea to wear a long sleeve shirt to cover my scars so that's what I done. I wore some plain dark trousers. Didn't want to put make-up on Just simply tied my hair up in a pony tail got ready for school. And just before I left I made sure that I had eaten something, but all there was to eat was one piece of mouldy bread "Eww" I screeched "I'm not eating that shit" I threw it into the bin. Only shortly after did I notice that I physically had nothing else to eat, but that wasn't important. I have more important things to be worrying about than food I've got to worry about how the fuck I'm going to make it to Elgrove Park by the river for mid-day today and how I'm gonna get there and back to school. I needed to come up with a plan I thought. I paused for a moment, then grabbed my phone "Need to talk when get to school x " I texted Charlotte.
"Ok" she replied in acknowledgement. I then got on the bus and made my way to school. When I arrived there was only one minute left until lessons started so I made the decision that it wasn't worth me telling Charlotte now, so that we could plan what to do, as we would not have enough time.
Lessons started, it was Maths I sighed in annoyance and then thought to myself "I know I have to do this it won't be for long." But my positive attitude had soon turned to a negative one when Margret had arrived and came over to me. "Shit, shit, shit" I thought as she walked over in my direction.
"So Tilly. What's this in your hair" Margret said spitefully and then began walking around me as if to intimidate me, she acted as if she was like some kind of God. Looking down on me. Judging me.
I don't respond as I think she's stupid and I'm not gonna let her get to me. She pauses and thinks on how to respond as if she's purposely planing out on how to be rude and horrible to me. Her jaw lowered as she repeated the same thing that she had said before but this time with more anger rather than spite in her voice " So Tilly. What's this in your hair".
She then pushes her hand into my back as if to get a reaction out of me. Unfortunately I couldn't hold my anger in anymore, it was as if her push had got rid of all my will power, I just couldn't ignore her anymore. "Leave me alone!" I shouted.
She grabbed the hairband out of my weak hair and then belted out the loudest laugh ever it was like a hyena's laugh.
"What in fucks name is this" her evil friends laugh and join in on the bullying. One of them grabs my hair and pushes my head at the same time. It made me feel powerless and insecure I didn't know how to react. "Stop!" I pleaded but they didn't listen they kept on pushing me constantly; again, again, and again.
It had driven me crazy now I really couldn't stand it anymore.
And just at that point Mrs.Lander walked in.
As she walked in through the door all the bullies walked back to their seats still giggling. I sat there looking empty wishing for someone to just take me away out of this fucking hell hole, I carried on sitting there and saying nothing.
Mrs. Lander walked to the front of the classroom and began to teach.
The lesson continued, I thought to myself I can't let the bullying stop me I've got to go Elgrove today and sort this out. I mean who knows they could even murder me if I don't give them there powder back, I have to just carry on Mrs. Lander had continued teaching and when she wasn't looking I quickly texted Charlotte.
The message read "Come to the bathroom at break"

**Bell rings to indicate the end of the lesson**

As I walk out I see my hairband on the floor I pick it up and put my hair back into a ponytail and then made my way to the bathroom.
I walked in Charlotte was there waiting for me she greeted me with a smile and then said "What is it Tilly?"
"Well there's something I need to tell you"
She looked puzzled, I took a deep breath in and explain to her what had happed and how I needed her to take me to Elgrove at lunch. "Uh, what are you like Tilly, don't worry I'll take you at lunch."
"But how are we gonna make it back in time" I stood there awaiting a response as if Charlotte already knew what to do.
"Well, just leave the lesson as fast we can and then run outside to my car, don't go through the main gate or you'll get caught go around the back exit as there will be no teachers there".
I stop to think if what Charlotte was saying made sense I nodded in agreement. "And I'll meet you there we can quickly drive there and back to school and hopefully we make it back in time for afternoon registration" she then paused and said in a loud voice "And remember we've got to be fast, very fast" after this I knew that we officially had some sort of plan.

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