Are you proud of yourself

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I stretch my arm out to knock on the door but before I could do so the door swings wide open, with speed,
Charlotte is standing right there, staring down at me with her brown eyes, her hair looked much better than mine it was blonde and was up in a ponytail. "Where have you been Tilly that's been over an hour now, we're gonna be late for school" screamed Charlotte. "Well, I.." and just before I could finish explaining Charlotte cuts me off and says "No time to explain tell me later". She slams the door and we both run upstairs to get ready for school. Charlotte's house is a little bigger than mine, and her bedroom is the biggest room of the house, It's mostly tidy (unlike mine) and is relatively organised, Charlotte's books are in one corner, her desk in the other, her bed in the centre of the room whilst everything else is kept in plastic boxes or in a partially neat pile on the floor.
I love Charlotte so much, she's always been there for me and is a lot like a mother figure to me, I love her so much.
"Oh no, you can't go to school looking like that" bellowed Charlotte, "Your hair is a mess let me wash it".
We both made our way to the bathtub, I got on my knees and bended my head into the bathtub ready to get my hair washed. Charlotte placed her hand on the shampoo and after taking some out she rapidly massaged it into my hair. After this she washed my hair whilst constantly moaning about how late we are going to be for school, and how she's been coping with all the homework. "Oh year I forget to ask" piped Charlotte, "what did you write for question 5 of the English homework" asked Charlotte. At this moment Tilly fell silent, her neck froze and her heart dropped in sorrow, anxiety had been a common thing in Tilly's life and homework was one of her triggers. "Um..I-I don't k-know" she muttered quietly.
"What?" questioned Charlotte "Speak a little louder I can't here you" she continued.
Tilly's feet were now shaking with frustration she couldn't even handle hearing the word homework that just made her feel sick to her stomach. "I haven't fuckin done it, ok!" shouted Tilly with anger. As soon as those words came out of her mouth Charlotte froze "I'm sorry" Charlotte whispered shamefully as she bent her head in sorrow.
"I didn't mean to upset you, I'm so stupid I always forget that's one of your triggers"
"Don't worry lets just pretend it never happened" I said quietly.
After this there was silence, Tilly's hair had finished being washed and Charlotte began to prepare an outfit for me to wear for the day.
She placed a white shirt on the bed and a black cardigan, which I had borrowed before from Charlotte, and then I slipped into my borrowed clothes and we both made our way down the stairs "Did you eat breakfast this morning"
and just before I could even respond by saying no Charlotte handed me half a slice of brown toast to eat, and then we both got into the car and made our way to school.

**They both arrive at school**

"Come on lets go!" Charlotte said openly and both me and Charlotte ran into school both knowing that we were going to be extremely late. Charlotte moaned "I should've checked the time, it's almost the second lesson already".
Both Charlotte and Tilly were in the same class, they had the exact same teacher, Mr.Walden who was nothing but trouble. They both burst into the class out of breath from running, "Sorry were late sir" they pronounced at the same time.
"Wait outside now girls! I will speak to you outside" Shouted Mr.Walden furiously.
"What in the hell do you call this, it's 10:30 and you're both only turning up now with five minutes left of the lesson" he said and just as I parted my lip to begin speaking he immediately cut me off by saying "No excuses! I'm sending you both to the headmaster's office, I hope you are proud of yourself Tilly and Charlotte"
We both dipped our heads down, mine a little lower than Tilly's, and then walked off to the headmaster's office.
The head master told us both off, he expressed his high amounts of disappointment to us clearly and said we're to spend the rest of the morning in Isolation as a punishment, so we did.
I was pissed at myself but more pissed at the fact that I got Charlotte in trouble it was all my fault.
I was feeling anxious, but not as much as I thought I would, as Charlotte was sitting in the same room as me and was siting only a short distance away from me, so I really didn't feel that bad cause I'm always comfortable when I'm with Charlotte.
Hours passed and we had successfully made it out of Isolation and could resume to our normal lessons after lunch.
During lunch me and Charlotte sat together and ate our food, miserably.
"I can't believe that happened to us" said Charlotte with surprise.
"That's now the second time I've been in Isolation this year" she continued.
"Ha, you think that's bad I've been in Isolation twelve times this year and counting." I said with passion.
Charlotte laughed in response, "Ha, ha well you better get your act together you know what they said to you last term."
"Yes I know, I know."
"Well then, why do you keep doing it" Charlotte asked "you know your going to get yourself into some serious fucking trouble if you continue like this Tilly, they said that there gonna call your mum if you carry on behaving like this."
"I know, I know , I have to pull my act together and stop fucking about" I said in confession.

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