Not a good surprise

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We, continued to walk away from school Charlotte had asked if I wanted to go to her house but I explained to her that I couldn't make it as I had extreme amounts of homework to do including the geography we got given today, she then asked if I wanted to do it with her, she even offered to help me with it. But I refused as although It sounded like a good idea I just felt too sad so sad that I just wanted to be alone, in my room, in my bed and sleep. Forever. To be honest I was far too anxious, it's gotten to the point where my anxiety is holding me back from seeing Charlotte which makes me feel like such a shitty person because I love her so much and I do want to see her. Thinking about all this only made me more upset.

I hugged Charlotte goodbye and continued to make my way home by myself, I had to walk as I still had no bus pass. The constant walk to and from school was begging to get to me as I had recently discovered red marks all over my feet and they were always aching and feeling so hungry all the time really didn't help either.

I had been walking for a fair amount of time now and it was begging to get dark, eventually I made it to the bottom of my street and to my surprise I could see in the distance my front door was open.

"Fuck!" I panic maybe someone has broken into my house I thought, what if they stole something, even the thought of being robbed made me so stressed out I just couldn't comprehend it. I rapidly sprinted over to my house breathing heavy as I done so. I ran straight through the open door only to immediately stop as I saw a woman lying still on the floor with blood seeping out of her head and bruises all over her. She was my mum.

"MUM!" I cry as I ran over to her in panic. Her head was facing the ground and she didn't reply. I lift up her head only to see her face all red and bruised she also looked very tired and her make-up had been smudged. She looked terrible. "MUM, MUM, CAN YOU HEAR ME! IT'S TILLY!" I bellowed as I shake her trying to wake her up.

She doesn't move.

"MUM!" I shout again
"What happened to you, please wake up, who did this to you!".
I gently pick her up and lay her onto the sofa, I freeze in panic as I worry even more 'what if she's dead, why isn't she wakening up, what could be wrong with her' where just some of the thoughts which flew across my insecure head. I stare at her sobbing only to realise another palm sized cut right across her left cheek, I ran over to the freezer, which was empty apart from a few cubes of ice left at the bottom, I grab the ice cubes and roll them into a kitchen towel; then I got cotton wool out of the top shelf and wet it with water, I run back to mum and damped the cotton wool onto both her head and neck. After this, I checked her pulse and I could feel that she was still alive as her pulse was still going she just wasn't awake yet. I had finished treating her wounds, so I poured out some water from the tap into a glass and left it on the table for when she awoke; I then placed the ice (which was rolled up in kitchen towel) onto her neck and then waited for her to get up.

Time soon passed eventually she awoke.

"Tilly is that you?" Questioned mum still dazed from being passed out.
I sob in response "Where have you been, I've been worried sick about you!"
"I-I got hurt again, I was with a man who didn't treat me well and wanted to hurt me I had to carry on sleeping with him for the money. But soon it had gotten to the-the point when-" explained my mum.
"When, what mum tell me?" I questioned impatiently.
"I TRIED TO LEAVE! But it wasn't such a smart idea as he saw me trying to leave and physically dragged me back into the house like a child pulls it's toys across the floor, he then shouted at me.
He then raised his arm above me and slapped me, it was something that I was used to but what he done next was not."

I breathe deeply as I carry on listening to the upsetting story.

"And then he BATTERED me, again and again and again." She said as her wounds started to bleed more. " I managed to escape and when I got home I felt really ill and then somehow ended up on the floor"
I felt so empathetic for my mum right now but still angry at her for leaving me in the first place. She leaned forward to hug me we hugged. I mean who does that to their own daughter their own flesh and blood who they are meant to look after and keep safe.

We continued to talk for a while and then I left mum to sleep as I went upstairs to try and get some kind of work done and to try and take my mind off the whole thing. I decided to do my geography, and it was really hard it got to the point where I was about halfway through so, I decided to have a well-deserved break, as the work was so hard. I picked up Marley and walked down stairs to check on how mum was doing.
I walked down the stairs with Marley only to witness that my mum was no longer on the sofa, she had gone! I immediately drop Marley onto the floor in shock as fury burned from my head to the tip of my toes. I was utterly speechless. Where the fuck did she go, why did she leave me here again and there in the corner of my eye I see that the front door was still open; I ran out and looked up the street there was still no sight of her so I decided to run down to the end of the street she still wasn't there. So I tried running up the street to look for her but again there was no sign of her just a blanket of darkness which covered the sky. I ran back down into my house and slammed the door furiously I saw that she had left some kind of note on the table. The note read 'I'm sorry, I had to leave again. Love u  x" attached to the note was just £1
I scream in range and began to march up and down the kitchen in pure anger. "WHY THE FUCK HAS SHE LEFT!"
Hundreds of worry's, questions and thoughts pushed there way under my skull and into my brain. Questions like: How am I going to cope? What am I going to do? Why did she leave me, again? How am I going to survive with just one whole fucking pound? I didn't even check if she was ok, what if she's still hurt? I don't know how long she's going to be gone for? Am I going to have enough money for food?...

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