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Both Me and Charlotte carried on eating until we had finished and then we departed off to our lessons in the afternoon.
Charlotte is in pretty much all my classes except one, Maths. She isn't in my maths class which is hard because I find maths so difficult and the teacher is an absolute prick, her name name is Mrs.Lander and she's a stuck up cow and I hate her to bits! She is worse than any other teacher at the school and now I have her for a double lesson which lasts for the rest of the afternoon. I enter the class room and slump myself into my chair, as I do so I feel all my energy soak away. "Open your book to page one hundred and thirty eight now everybody" Mrs.Lander demanded.
Everyone in the class obeyed her including me, although I was struggling to find the page, I was flicking and flapping though all the pages but I just couldn't find it. I began to search my bag to look for the missing book, as I thought I must be reading the wrong book, but there was nothing to be found apart from a packet of gum and half a bottle of vodka left over from last night. Before, I can do anything else I am rudely disturbed by a slap of a book across my back. "Hey you! Fuck face! Are you looking for this?" Margret said (one of my many bullies) "You dumb fuck! It's right here come and get it pussy, oh what's that, your too fat to come and get it you fat pig"
screeched Margret. I couldn't believe that nobody else heard the disgusting things that she was saying to me, apart from a few of her arrogant friends who just laughed in response as if to cheer her on. "Give it back to me!" I squealed, she saw the teacher was marching  in my direction so she immediately chucked the book in my face leaving me with a bruise on my forehead and then she sprinted back to her seat as fast as she got out of it, and pretended as if nothing had happed, as if everything was perfect and she hadn't done anything at all.
Mrs.Lander approached my desk and gave me a stern look as if I was a piece of shit off the floor...
"What are you up to? Why haven't you turned to the right page yet"
"I-I was trying to but.."
"No excuses detention after school with me, for being way to slow"
I have no choice but to nod in agreement and reply with a loud "yes miss" otherwise she could add more time to the detention, and I wouldn't want that.
The lesson continued, as it went on I was debating with myself on wether or not I should tell Charlotte about the phone call, however I really couldn't come to a conclusion on wether or not I should tell her so I thought I would just leave it for now.
The lesson went on and I was feeling bored, as usual, to be honest I couldn't wait to leave the classroom and finish off the remaining vodka in my bag. Mrs.Lander had been asking people questions for the passed 20 minuets now and I knew sooner or later that she was going to ask me, and then she did.
"Tilly what would I write for this question" asked Mrs.Lander
I try to work out the answer but I don't know how to, I scratch my head in distress before saying "I'm not sure".
As soon as I do so laughing erupts from the whole classroom, I look to my left and see people giggling so hard one of them almost fell off their chair, I look to the right only to see Margret and her friends laughing at me as well.
I felt so embarrassed, each laugh felt like a bullet being shot into me, my stomach began rumbling and hands stared to shake, everyone carried on laughing for the next two minutes or so but it felt like they had been laughing solid at me for a whole hour. Eventually they stopped, Mrs Lander gave me a stern look and shouted "You can stay after school for an hour now! You should've been able to answer that question, I've been going over it for the past half an hour."
I felt dreadful, eventually the lesson finished everyone left except me, I sat there waiting for it to be finished but time had passed and it still hadn't. I couldn't handle it anymore I needed a drink so I placed my hand in my bag and moved it around until I felt the cold touch of glass, and then I waited for the right time when Mrs.Lander wasn't looking and I took a big gulp and then immediately threw it back into my bag, without Mrs.Lander seeing or suspecting a thing.

**Detention finished**

I walked out of school and made my way to Charlotte's house, just like I did most days after school, Charlotte welcomed me with a hug and told me not to worry about the events which took place today.
She then sat me on the sofa and said "I'll make you a cup of tea, you just rest you've been through a lot of shit today"
Then I lied down on her comfy sofa awaiting my cup of tea.

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