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Graduation was in a matter of days, Azula had picked to go to MIT. It was six hours away from home, but it was close enough. Luna already started searching for schools nearby she could go to school for. They were having a party for Azula, Prima and Vera. It wasnt out of the normal, they even had all their quinceaneras together as one party. It became more like a neighborhood celebration. Amarilla and Luna came bouncing towards Azula. Awkwardly, Azula glares at them. Bouncing meant they were up to no good. Amarilla and Luna pull Azula into the kitchen. Amarilla stands by the door to make sure no one comes in. Luna takes Azula's hands and looks deeply into her crystal blue eyes. "I have something important to discuss with you. Amarilla and I have worked hard for months together on this. You are going into governmental work, and we can't have someone finding a dumb reason to take that hard-earned achievement from you." Azula skeptically examines Amarilla and Luna's faces. "You have always declared that your biological parents are Aliens from outer space who will come back for you." Azula scouts the room with her eyes, "Yes, they will." Amarilla sharply cuts in, "But you are not." Luna shoots her a stern look, "But I am." Azula starts to panic. Luna pulls her in closer, so she wouldn't run. "You are not, and we thought the only way to convince you would be to find your biological parents first." Azula's eyes narrow on Luna. Luna takes a deep breath. "We found your biological mother. And to make sure, when you were sleeping I got your DNA to test." Amarilla steps away from the door and places a paper on the counter. Luna picks it up and hands it to Azula. "We found your mother Azula. She lives in New York." Azula gasps for breath, "But Lets take one step at a time." Luna leans in and foreheads connect, and she whispers, "She's here, right now." Azula eyes go wide, and she starts to hyperventilate. Luna quickly kisses her. "EW Gross you guys! Cant you do this another time?" Luna giggles, Azula breathing returned to normal. "Are you guys ready?" Azula nods, Luna smiles at Amarilla. She opens up the door to the dining room door and ushers a woman in. A beautiful lady walks in, sharply dressed. Piercing blue eyes identical to Azula. Dark hair and sun kissed skin tone matching one another. "Azula Morado?" Azula nods, Luna jumps in, "Azula, I'd like you to meet your mother, Catalina Sanchez." Catalina grabs Azula and pulls her tight into a hug. Catalina is crying, "Its so nice to finally meet you."

Despite a whole party going on in the other room, Azula and Catalina get some time to talk. Amarilla rejoins the party while Luna and Azula stay in the kitchen. "Your girlfriend is very proud of you." "Thank you." Azula stutters. "She told me all about you. Im very impressed." Catalina tries to examine Azulas face to gage where she is at. "Why did you send me away?" Azula spits out. Luna gasps, and Catalina swallows a gulp. "Well see I was fifteen. I was impregnated by my Uncle. It was easier to hide the family shame, and I was forced to give you up." Catalina stretched out her hand taking Azulas into her own, "But not a day went by when I did not think about you." Azula looked down at her hand, and her eyes dart back up locking in her gaze, "Why didn't you come back for me?" "I tried, I couldnt find you. The adoption agency claimed it was a closed adoption and I wasn't permitted access. I didnt know where else to look." Luna chimed in, "There isnt any technology on your space ship that could have helped?" Catalina, blankly started at Luna for a few seconds before she broke out into laughter. "No... no... No spaceship. I wish! I am just a humble department director in a technology company in New York City." "What about your mother?" "Well here is some news for you girls... I am adopted as well." Luna and Azula gasped, "Have you ever found your biological parents?" "Sadly no I had nothing to go off of." "Are you married? Do you have kids?" "I am married, quite happily for the past five years. He works at my company with me. He didn't come today, I thought it best I meet you alone for the first time." Then Catalinas face changes, she became more somber. "But when my Uncle... Well it wasn't consensual. He did some damage, and after I struggled giving birth to you, I was told I'd probably never be able to conceive again. It became the hardest thing I've ever done, having to give away the only child I'd ever be able to have just to hide a family secret." "What happened to your uncle after everything?" "Well it wasn't for years before my mother found out how much damage was really done. For years she pestered me to marry and bear her Grandkids. When she found out I wasn't going to ever be able to conceive thanks to him, well a couple days later he suddenly disappeared." She leans in and whispers, "We all think my mother Killed him." Luna snickers. Azula smiles at Catalina. Shes quite impressed who her mother is. She is gorgeous, and Azula looks just like her. "Oh! By the way, your girlfriend is quite the catch. If you dont keep her, I will." Catalina winks at Luna as she blushes. Azula looks at Luna, kisses her on the forehead. "I couldn't live without her, even if I tried."

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