Being Accepted

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A week later, Azula makes sure she's not followed as she replaces the batteries and her lasers and needs to bring a new one for the one that Amarillo help destroyed. She is up in the tree trying to reach one of the lasers when she loses her footing and falls. She hits the ground hard, having the breath knocked out of her. She gasps for air which will not reach into her lungs. The sun was blinding, and for a second Azula thought this was the end for sure. But then Angel appeared and said to stay calm. "Breathe, you'll be okay." As Azula's eyes focused, it was Luna. Luna was on her knees next to Azula holding her hand. Finally, Azula's lungs filled with air. She sat up and looked into Lunas crystalized green eyes. "Are you okay Azula?" It took a second for Azula to take another breath, "yeah I'm good." Azula popped up and started walking away. "Where are you going?" Luna called after Azula. "I got stuff to do." Azula yelled back. Luna runs up and walked fast along with Azula. "What do you have to do?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me." Luna smiled.

"no, you're going to think I'm weird."

"oh, come on I promise that I wont." Azula stops and looked at Luna.

With a deep sigh, "My parents left me here I put out lasers for them to find me. Because I know they will come back."

Luna smiled softly, "what do you mean by here?" Azula paused, with a blank stare she stopped and said to Luna, "here on earth. My parents are Aliens. They will come back for me one day."

"so in other words you are an Alien child from outer space waiting for your parents to return."

Azula filled with worry, "yes?"

Luna smiled, "cool."

Azula searched Luna's face to see where her mind was at. really?

"Yes I always thought it would be cool to have an Alien as friend like on ET and you are trying to phone home in a way."

Azula smiled, "yeah, I guess so."

"Is Amarilla, Rosada and Verde aliens as well?" Luna inquired. "No Verde isnt adopted at all. But Amarilla and Rosada are adopted. I doubt they alien like me though."

Luna smiled at Azula, "Of course not, you are special in your own way." Luna gently pats Azula on the back, but she grimaces in pain. Luna pulls her hand back. "I'm sorry." Azula looks down to her feet, "It's not you. Im already hurt there." Luna takes Azula's shoulders and stills her. She stands up on her toes and looks down Azula's shirt. "She gasps, what happened?" Azula looks down again. Luna came eye to eye with Azula. "You can trust me." Azula told Luna about the events that occurred during the week before. Luna sincerely and empathically looked into Azula's eyes. "I'm sorry Amarilla is such a bitch." Azula smiled and looked up at Luna who was still smiling at her. Do you want some help with your lasers? Azula smiled at Luna, "I'd love that." Luna joined Azula on her rounds.

Luna and Azula hung out every day. They were inseparable. They sat next to each other in church. They walked to school together. When Luna was around, her brother came around. Amarilla had a crush on Luna's brother Lorenzo. Luna was also friends with Azula's cousins. It was often the four of them. Prima and Vera were twins, and they hung out together all the time with Luna and Azula. They called themselves the Four House-kateers, for they rarely left the house. When they were over the twin's house, their brother Verano kept following them. He had a crush on Luna. He did what ever it took to impress Luna. He often hung out with Verde. So, when the girls went to Azulas home, Verano followed and claimed he wanted to hang out with Verde. Azula became less of a social pariah with her siblings, she had friends.

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