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The clothes Angie loans you are nicer than anything you've ever owned in your adult life, and they're not even fancy. It's just a long sleeved Henley of Ronan's and a pair of her jeans -- his were all too big -- and the warmest jacket you've ever had the pleasure of wearing. You make your way to the nearest Blue Line stop and head to Irving Park, because it's faster than going via Harlem.

As you make your way from the corner you can see Funshine's familiar hatchback in the parking lot, but it's empty, so they must be inside.

Your phone sits heavy in your pocket, waiting for a call from Kylie that will never come, but you try not to think about that.

The inside of the shop is dim, but not uncomfortably so, and Funshine and Smartypants are sitting across from each other sipping at their boba tea. You glance at the menu. It doesn't look like they have soymilk. Oh well.

Smartypants's back is to you, and Funshine just happens to glance up and catch sight of you. A bright grin spreads over her mouth and she puts her boba down and waves.

"Jen-jen!" she cries, even though the shop is tiny and you could easily hear her otherwise.

You lift a hand, half wave, let it drop. Try to smile, because you're seeing your best friends again. Can't bring yourself to mean it, because you're so, so tired.

Her smile fades and she jumps up, nearly knocking her chair to the floor. Smartypants looks over his shoulder, and when he sees her wrap you up in a hug, he unlocks his wheelchair and turns around to face you. He still gives you space.

You collapse in Funshine's arms. She's warm and comforting and familiar and safe, everything you've needed more than anything these past three long days. She smells like green apple dish soap and a little bit like weed and she's wearing a sweatshirt at least two sizes too big for a school she never went to, and she's here and she loves you. At least someone does.

She presses her cheek to yours and takes a step back, but she doesn't let go of your arms. For a few moments you just... take her in, then turn to Smartypants and do the same. They're the same as they ever were.

Smartypants hesitantly wheels a little closer and Funshine finally lets you go so you can hug him, too. It doesn't last as long because you have to bend at a painful angle, but you still want to, because he's here and he loves you, too.

When you let go and stand up straight again, Smarty nods toward the table. "Come sit with us. Are you hungry?"

You clasp your hands together in front of your chest like a begging child, playing with your fingers and picking at your nails.

"Jen-jen?" Funshine says gently. "I can get you something. They have a tofu sandwich."

Your gaze drops to your feet, but you nod, because you are hungry, and if the past three days have taught you anything, it's never to take another person's kindness for granted.

Funshine gently squeezes your arm and shares a worried look with Smartypants, but neither of them say anything. She drops her hand and heads to the counter to order for you. You're not sure if you're supposed to follow.

"Sit with me?"

You look down at Smartypants, at his familiar brown eyes and lilac hair. The black roots are starting to show. He's had so much going on, with the fire and all, he probably hasn't had the time. He gives you a hopeful smile. You smile back, pull out the chair next to him, and plop down. A little groan leaves your mouth when your feet let go of the pressure of the ground. You had to stand your whole ride here, and it was exhausting. You just didn't realize it until you were allowed to admit it.

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