
Getting out of the Uber I yanked the huge box of clothes after me. It was half the size of me and almost as heavy.

"The hell, since when clothes are this.... freaking heavy...?" I mumbled to myself dragging the box onto the ground next to the car. "Of course its heavy, Avery... probably has more diamonds on than material..." I whined and when the box finally hit the ground, I climbed back in to take the takeaway box with the tea and coffee in it.

"Taking long enough..." sighed the driver and as I was still leaning in I looked to him through the mirror.

"Yes, it does take long enough, and I am sure if I would be a 6 feet tall American dream you wouldn't mind helping!" I said irritated as I pushed myself back out and as soon as I shut the door the car left quickly.

Was I annoyed?

Yes. It was thousand degrees outside, I was sweating my ass off, it was a 20-minute-long identification process to get the Gucci delivery and I splashed the first coffee onto myself right after ordering it.

And, yes, I was nervous about seeing Jared after what happened.

I put the drinks on top of the box and slowly lifted it up and started to walk pressing my lips. Most of my hair fell out of the bun already, the coffee stain on my jumper still wet, pushing to my body and I felt sweat dropping from my forehead.

The studio of course was locked so I had to use my keys to open and then drag the box to the basement which was the soundproof rehearsal part.

Stepping in I walked through the corridor into the room and dropped the box down quickly, drying my forehead up with the sleeves of my jumper and swept the hair locks out of my face. The A.C. was working wonders here. The room was dark and cozy, with the equipment in the middle and two leather couches in front of them.

I dropped to sit onto the couch as Jared was deep into talking, I didn't want to interrupt.

"Yes, the best is just to start every old song two note lower. My voice can't do high for 2 hours and I wanna save it to the new songs..." he explained to the rest of the band. There were yet again some new additional musicians around.

I breathed deep as I still tried to gather myself.

"Oh, Avery! Finally," he nodded towards me and the others smiled as a hi and I just smiled back to them then looked to Jared.

"Hey... I... here's your clothes and..."

"My tea! My voice is dying," he cut me off as he grabbed it up and started drinking then frowned. "Gosh, please reheat this..." he pulled a face pushing it back into my hands then turned to the band. "I also really need you guys to listen to me! All time on stage keep an eye on me. Shannon knows I have ideas coming to my head one moment to another. Sometimes I just stop the music, let the audience sing, sometimes I need more beat, sometimes I want you all to leave the stage," he explained as he tore open the Gucci box and smiled grabbing up an actual crown.

"Perfect," he smiled putting it on his head and turned towards the band once again, "30 seconds to Mars is me and Shannon. The crowds will be insane. But don't forget that we pay you to do your absolute best," he grabbed up his guitar and started a song.

"Avery..." he stepped to the microphone as he called my name looking at me until I looked back into his eyes. "The tea?"

"Ahh... yeah..." I mumbled so out of it and hurried to the kitchen area to reheat it.

He was yet again back to "that" Jared. The outside Jared.

The Jared who I ate breakfast with, laughed while shaving, is deep down there somewhere under that ridiculous Gucci crown, hidden from the world and from his fellow musicians who are, as he said, not part of the band.

Truly-Madly-Deeply AssistantHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin