C21≫ It's a sinking ship we're sailing

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The Priest and the Witch XXI

Accompanying a strained smile, more and more water spells hit the wall as the injured youth chanted constantly.

The longer the youth chanted, the more rugged his poor breath became as his little lungs expanded and deflated at worrying speeds.

It was not long till his breath ran out.

Stopping his chanting as he slowly recovered, they youth looked at the wall he flooded, checking if it was finally clean.

However.... even after being hit by the lukewarm water not all the blood was washed off.

The youth lifted his head towards the ceiling as he spat out a small sigh. It seemed that just throwing water at it won't do.

Muttering a couple curses under his breath, the youth twirled his fingers and as if that twirl was some kind of command, the shadow beneath the youth responded immediately.

His shadow wriggled sporadically, as if the ground was an encasing it was desperately trying to escape from. It moved faster and faster, only to start crawling off the ground in awkward, baby fawn like movements, slowly forming a blob at the youths feet.

However the blob didn't stop there.

Wriggling again, the blob slowly started to change shape, increasing in size as it's features became more defined.

Eventually what was in front of the youth was something that was practically a carbon copy of the body he was currently residing in.... except for the fact that every inch of that thing was black, with the only exception being two beady white dots on the face area that looked like eyes.

Seeing the shadow person standing in front of him, the youths lips raised so high that his eyes turned to slits. With that bright smile, the youth chuckled as he proceeded to shove the rag he was holding into the shadows arms.

Ah, and who was this shadow person you may ask, well, the shadow person was of course, his diligent newbie unpaid worker with no rights, Ro—something(Rowan)!

"Fate has called you, little one! Uptake this weapon I gave you and banish those stains of red—!" narrated the youth heroically to his unpaid worker only to notice that his Ro-Ro was not listening at all and already got to cleaning....

"..... be that way Ah..." being ignored frowned the youth unhappily as he staggered around looking for some kind of digging tool.

To be honest, currently he was in a bit of a pickle.

You see, he had lost control a teeeeny weeeny little bit and.... ripped Karin to shreds. No, that was not an exaggeration, he literally ripped that girl into pieces like a blood thirsty beast.

Why did this happen you ask? Well, as he was minding his own business, fighting with Karin and all, then ...ummm... some of her blood landed in his mouth...and then um... he fell into a bit of a frenzy?.... you see, mortals that reside in the lower realm store their souls energy in their bodies and blood, and that is the most delicious thing in the world for him...

Welp Anyway, because of that the whole house was now a bloody wreck...

Ah but this situation really sucked, not only was the house a mess, he was a mess too, covered with wounds and all.

But there was more.

He looked down at his arm, well something that in the past looked like one at least.

You see, this arm currently lacked most of its skin, showing of to the world crimson black flesh. It was bit by bit spreading, causing his skin to fall like flakes of snow onto the ground.

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