C20≫ Oh noes!

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The Priest and the Witch XX

Clouds gathered over the capital, paining the entire landscape a gloomy gray.

With the sound of the thunder rumbling outside, Ellie gazed out the window. With her eyes cast somewhat downwards, she passed the time watching how the droplets rapidly slid down the glass.... To be honest she felt like the weather outside perfectly reflected her mood at the moment.

Dull. Grey.....somber.

As she immersed herself in these useless thoughts, She held her chin in her hands, blowing some strands of hair of her face, eyeing despondently as the hair floated up and down from her face.

"....Why......so down?" Asked the person who was lying down in a bed that was located in the corner of the room. He pushed himself up and leaned against the bedpost, allowing a pillow to support his back. The man spoke through shallow breaths, talking with difficulty.

He clearly was not in the best of health.

His skin was cold and grayish, contrasting his flushed face that was nearly steaming.

The man was experiencing a fever.

Hearing the man speak, Ellie took her gaze of the window and moved it towards the Man.

She stared at him, her companion.

The man lying down was a person she sneaked into the capital with, Lilith.

Lilith, unlike his usual tyrannical self, simply looked pathetic. it was not a understatement to say the person had one foot in the grave. He was obviously exhausted to a disastrous degree and looking at the bloody bandages wrapping the man's arms, one could tell what happened.

But bandages not only covered his arms, but his entire body.

You see, recently their cover was blown.

Now they were hiding from the church, secretly performing spells at night when no one's watching with fear that they would get caught, with fear that the church would sense their magic and kill them. It was actually rather impressive that they lasted this long in the capital, but now that they couldn't hide behind the identity of priests, the danger level was high as hell.

Looking man's appearance, Ellie felt even worse than she did looking at the depressive rain. She felt a wave of rage come over her for the man who refused to take care of himself.

"Why am I so down you ask?! Don't fucking pretend you don't know!!!" Hollered the girl.

"...." the man stayed silent but averted his gaze as if he was having a guilty conscience.

Seeing the man did not say anything, she took the liberty of opening her mouth again.

"For how much longer do you have to be doing this to yourself!!!! You moron! You bastard! If it was going to be like this, why did you even bring me with you!!" She spat through gritted teeth, her eyes aflame.

There was a reason she was currently hardly injured while the man was half dead.... Lilith protected her.... He got hurt instead of her...

Even though she was the one that insisted to coming along, she was currently just baggage.

Yes, she was angry at Lilith, but to be honest she was more angry at herself.

Watching the girl explode for the umteenth time and come close to tears, the man slightly frowned as he took off the lukewarm towel of his head. "Calm down.... we should..... be.... done....in...a couple...months .... and it's.... not...that bad anyway."

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