Bb- how is jack annoying?

Jack.p- just the way he speaks. Hes really bitchy and manipulates people.

Bb- accepted. Please Return to the lounge.

Bb- Josie, to the diary room.

Josie- hey big brother

Bb- Josie, who do you nominate and why?

Josie- i nominate lydia for 4 points because OH MY GOD she is so irritating! She never shuts up! And for 1 point amy because apparently she was bitching about me to lydia.

Bb- accepted. Please return to the lounge.

Bb- jess, to the diary room.

Jess- hi big brother

Bb- jess, who do you nominate and why?

Jess- i will nominate zeb for 4 points because he has not gotten to know me in anyway. And for 1 point i will nominate jake because he doesnt really fit in with the house and doesnt seem to be enjoying himself.

Bb- accepted. Please return to the lounge.

Bb- tayla, to the diary room.

Tayla- hello

Bb- tayla, who do you nominate and why?

Tayla- i nominate rebecca for 3 points because she has been very mean to me this week and for 2 points i nominate dylan because he isnt very interesting and doesnt bring anything to the house.

Bb- accepted. Please return to the lounge.

Bb- kelsie, to the diary room.

Kelsie- hey big brother!!!

Bb- kelsie, who do you nominate and why?

Kelsie- i nominate dylan for 4 points because everything he does annoys me! And he snores. Its so annoying.

And i nominate jake for 1 point because he snores too.

Bb- Kelsie, this is your final warning. Next week give a more acceptable reason then voting for them because of their sleeping habits.

Kelsie- but it's annoying!

Bb- kelsie, do not speak back to Big Brother or else I will put YOU up for eviction.

Kelsie- sorry Big Brother...

*after all nominations are complete*

Bb- jaimee, to the diary room

Jack- again?

Jaimee- see ya!

*in the diary room*

Bb- jaimee, it is now time to 'stalk' your fellow housemates. Put your headphones on and watch the screen.

*she watches josies*

Jaimee- wow... She doesnt like amy? Amy bitched about her? Hmm...

*she watches kelsie*

Jaimee- hahahah!! She nominated them for snoring!! Okay.. I know who im going to nominate. For 3 points i nominate amy because she has been bitching about people and that is uncalled for and i nominate dylan for 1 point for kelsies sake. And he snores. Haha

Bb- accepted. Please return to the lounge.

Bb- housemates. Nominations are finished. As all of you know Jaimee had the nominations super power. Her power was the stalker. She had the ability to watch 2 housemates nominations of her choice.

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