Big Brother High Day 10

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Wendsay week 2- big brother high

Johanna- hey jack

Jack- hey Johanna, whats up?

Johanna- really tired. Im glad I'm not sleeping with Lydia... Shes great and all but man does she snore.

Jack- yeah, real great.

Bettina- hey guys

Jack- hey Bettina

Bettina- whats today?

Jack- umm, i think its wednesday?

Bettina- aww its a boring day today

Jack- yeah haha

*dolphin eek*

Jack- not mine

Johanna- not ours

*jack.p and jordan come running out and jordan looks like shes still asleep*

Jordan- where the frick is the obstacle course? I cant see it!?

Jack- open your eyes!!!

Jack.p- quick jordan!!!

Jordan crawling through the tunnel- wow i hate this so much.

*they finish the course just in time*

Johanna, jack and bettina- woo!! Go jordan and jack.p!!!

Jordan- yep go us, im going back to bed.

Jack.p- me too. How are you guys even up?

Bettina- coffee!!

Jack.p- make me some!!

*they head back into the bedroom*

Johanna- is there anything happening with those 2?

Jack- of course there is, they're practically tied to each other.

Bettina- aww thats so cute!

Johanna- they haven't kissed yet, maybe they're not?


Jack- it like JUST went!?

*Josie and kelsie run out to the obstacle course*

Kelsie- its like 4am?

Jack- try 6.

Josie- i am not made for this.

*they finish it with 10 seconds left*

Kelsie- yay!! We did it!!

*they high five each other*

Tayla- i miss my iPad..

Jack- me too..

Jaimee- I won an iPad mini not long ago!

Jess- i don't have iPad

Bettina- neither! You guys are lucky

Tayla- its addictive, you should be glad you DONT have one!

Jack- true that!

Johanna- whatever.

Bb- Rebecca and Jack to the diary room.

*in the diary room*

Bb- Jack and Rebecca. Big Brother has chosen you two to play for this weeks deluxe dinner challenge. As nominated housemates, it is your responsibility to prepare for the dinner, host the dinner, and make the dinner. But most importantly, WIN the dinner!

Jack- oh god. Why me.

Bb- Jack and Rebecca, the two trays next to you hold the deluxe dinner and the other is a consolation dinner. Jack and Rebecca, lift both the tray lids.

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