Day 19: Journal

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Jameson's gone now, too. Of course, Jack's been gone for a while and I'm certain Schneep's not all there anymore. Chase has been forgetting things and telling me about constant night terrors he keeps having which tells me he'll be next if I'm not careful. Jackie and I seem to be the only ones left not affected as of now, but I don't know how much longer it'll last.

Ugh, the two people with potential answers to all of this are both in comas. It's so frustrating, I can't stand not knowing what we're facing here. I could have had him wrapped around my pinky finger, but I was so st u p i d .

W h y  d i d  I  l e t  h i m  g o ?

I had Anti under my control. He couldn't harm any of us. I would've been able to send Jameson home without a hitch if he didn't go and screw things up. I made the deal thinking I'd only lose o n e  o f  t hem, and yet he r e  w e  a r e . Ho w  c ou l d  I  be  s o  st u pid ?

I've got a feeling Schneep will have something to do with it. He's like a puppet on strings and I'm certain he doesn't even know it. He forgets just as much as Chase does, he always has. Jack trusted him, but if he lays a hand on any of us, I won't hesitate to strike him down if it'll protect my friends. I've made too many bad judgements already; I'm not going to make any more.

No luck on any of the awakening spells I've tried. Nothing with the modified versions either. Whatever Anti's using to keep them asleep, it's strong. Not sure how long it'll take to break Jack and Jameson free.

I've tried setting up wards around the house to keep that fu c k i n g  d e m on out, but it hasn't done much since he's already inside. Some of the spells worked for Chase a while back, yet they don't seem to be working at all anymore. Maybe the spells wore off? I'm hoping it isn't because Anti is stronger than my magic.

The worst feeling keeps coming over me. I know I'm our only chance of not being completely possessed by t ha t  m a nia c . That's not good, since I seem to be doing a terrible job of both protecting and saving everyone around here. And it's all my fault that any of this is happening in the first place. If I hadn't been so st u pi d  an d s elf i sh ,  n on e  of t his  wo u l d  b e   happ en i ng r igg hhttt now w w  aann nnd adn and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

I don't remember writing any of this. When did I get here? Shit, I'm next, aren't I? I'm the only one who can help any of them, there's no way Anti would let me stay longer than I already have.

If anyone's reading this, I'm sorry. I'll keep trying for as long as I can, but I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out. Jackie's the only person I can trust right now. He's my only chance of making it out of this alive, or sane at the very least. I have to keep trying.

I hope there's enough time.


See҉ y͡o͠u s͞oo̡n҉, ĺittle̛ ͏ma̕gici҉a͜n.͞


Marvin seems to be having trouble keeping the family together. Everyone's tainted with Anti's influence, which is going to make it that much harder for him to break the demon's grip on everyone (if he can even do it in time). What will happen next?

Alright yeah, I guess these are all legit connected now. I'm not gonna hold myself to it, but I'll try to keep continuity in mind as I continue writing these little short stories. Technically, you can still start this at any point and not really need much context. The chapters have just started providing a deeper look behind the scenes of each other. That was the goal btw, so it's good I've still got that going for me at least.

Thanks for reading!

- an ink circle you drew on a notebook when you were eleven

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