Day 10: The End Is Near

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Jameson wasn't a seer, but when Marvin brought up how he couldn't gaze very well for something dumb and theoretical, every head turned toward him.

Instantly, he frowned. No, no I am not doing it.

"Come on, JJ!" Jackie begged. "One time!"

"Yeah, it's just for fun," Chase chimed in.

Schneep furrowed his brows. "I don't know. Isn't it usually bad to mess with time?"

"Technically he wouldn't be," Marvin corrected, then saw the look on Jameson's face. "But, uh, it's still probably not a good idea."

"It's one little time!" Jackie argued.

No. Jameson shook his head. Maybe I'm better at gazing than Marvin, but that doesn't mean I'm going to look through time 'for fun'. This isn't a game, you guys.

Chase shrugged. "What could it hurt though? You're just looking, it's not like you'll be making paradoxes."

"He has a point," Scheep admitted.

I'm not doing it!

Marvin's expression suddenly became one of deep thought; whenever that happened, Jameson knew he was having an epiphany, but they rarely ever turned out good. "Maybe you should. After that most recent attack, maybe this is what we've been missing this whole time. Seeing what would happen next is a good way to prepare for it."

Not you, too! Jameson looked around at everyone in the circle, all eagerly awaiting his response. Marvin was right on some aspects, but he was completely overlooking the danger and inaccuracy of gazing into the future. It wasn't a walk in the park to peer through time, no way he'd be able to do it often enough to actually prepare for all of Anti's plans.

Then again, it would be nice to prepare for once. Was the risk worth the outcome?

Jameson sighed, then stood. I need absolute privacy.

Jackie and Chase whooped in excitement at almost the same time, Marvin rolling his eyes at their immaturity. Scheep waved him away, with a look in his eyes that told Jameson to go now without any of the others following him. Jameson huffed, but made his way down the hallway and back to his room, making sure to close the curtains.

It didn't take long to set everything up. He lit several candles around the room and turned off his overhead lamp, pulling his desk chair to the middle of the room. A small quartz stone was sitting on his desk and he grabbed it before sitting down on the chair.

Though he could practically hear the others breathing in excitement just outside his door, Jameson closed his eyes. Slowly at first he began to chant, speaking faster and faster as he did. Wind from nowhere began to pick up, he heard the whoosh of the candles going out around his room. The change in atmosphere sent chills down Jameson's spine, but he reassured himself that this was the safe part. 

The danger wouldn't come until he actually started seeing.

However, Jameson felt the world around him begin to shift and change, giving way to something ethereal, other-worldly. He felt like he was standing in a meat freezer, cold piercing his core and causing him to shiver. When he opened his eyes, his breath showed itself in small clouds.

He'd expected the cold, that came naturally with seeing. What he didn't expect was to actually be standing in the middle of a blizzard, snow everywhere he looked and no signs of life to be seen. 

This wasn't right. He was supposed to be seeing the future, but there was no way an apocalypse like this could happen so soon. . . right?

"Y̢o͝u r̷eally͡ ̀t͜h͘ou͠gh͞t ̷th̴is ͜woul͜d̷ w̛o̶rķ?"

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