Day 8: Connected

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"A r e  w e  c o n n e c t e d ?"

Marvin waited for a response, gazing into his crystal ball intently. Normally, he didn't deal with such imprecise branches of magic, but this was a special case; he needed all the help he could get without delving too deep into darker magicks. This was just about his only option, anyways.

A voice returned, faded and distant.

"O f  c o u rse not," said Marvin, rolling his eyes. "But we're talking, aren't we?"

The voice chuckled, though there was no humor behind its laugh. It spoke again, questioning him this time.

Marvin opened the spellbook in front of him. He'd been preparing for this conversation for months and knew exactly what he wanted. "Give me the truth. Show me how he got here."

The voice was mocking him now. He was already starting to get annoyed, but he held his tongue.

"I know you did it. You brought Jameson here for a reason and I want to know why. Give me answers, or there'll be consequences."

A sharp laugh. The voice wouldn't be swayed by intimidation alone, it seemed.

"Then how about a bargain?" Marvin asked. "I don't care enough to know why. Just show me the spell to send him back and we can stop talking."

But what would the voice get for its troubles?

Marvin winced. He'd planned this, he knew this moment would come, but it still left a bad taste in his mouth as he replied. 

"Free reign. You're no longer bound to me if you do this."

It was tempted. Marvin knew it had been chained down for years by his hand and it wanted to be released. He was almost certain he could get what he wanted out of it in return, but how hard would the voice make it?

A single word spoken made Marvin's blood begin to boil. 

"Everything you are is mine! How could you deny something like this when you clearly have no other choice?"

It snickered and mocked him again.

Marvin huffed, silently debating. After a moment, he asked, "Then what do you want?"

The voice thought for a moment, or--more likely--pretended to. Then a reply. A name.

"No." Marvin was insistent. "He's off-limits."

A question. A series of questions, all sliding gracefully through Marvin's ears and making him shudder. It had a point, and he hated it.

This put him in quite the predicament. Someone would resent him for his decision either way, it just depended on Marvin's relationship with them and how likely they were to abandon him. Maybe it was selfish, but there was no other way to think about it. Strategically, it would be prefered to have both of them on his side. He could get everything he wanted out of this deal if no one ever found out.

And the best part was that he'd still be in control.

Marvin considered this. It had seemed bad before, but now that he was looking at the deal from every angle, the pros really seemed to outweigh the cons. It would still hurt someone, yet knowing that they were going to be hurt either way helped simplify what he had to do.

After a moment, Marvin nodded. "Alright. I'll ta k e  y o u  u p  o n  y o u r  d e a l . I  g i v e  h i m  t o  y o u  a n d  y o u  g i v e  m e  t h e  s p e l l .  A g r e e d ?"

It was a deal.


I'm on a high right now after watching "DAMIEN" on Markiplier's channel, IT'S SO GORGEOUS AND INSPIRING I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK!!!! Really makes a person wanna write something based off of it, but I'm not going to add onto perfection. Besides, still gotta finish this so tough luck any of you who were excited.

Also I was wrong about the date on the last chapter, Mother's day is on the 12th (which is the day I wrote this). Sorry for the mistake!

I guess I'm subconsciously connecting all the stories now, but there's probably a ton of plot holes since I'm writing this as I go and have no planned anything. The point is that I'm having fun and still writing a compelling story, right?

I'm gonna watch DAMIEN again before bed, hopefully I can get started on another chapter and catch up soon. Thanks for reading?

- an ominous floating tarot card

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