🖤Florist! Russia x Foriegn! Reader- The Flower Boy 🖤

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⭕️WARNING⭕️ Be weary of the ending. Self harm is evident.


Ivan's POV


They were my favorite- always my favorite. My mama always grew them on the windowsills- in the kitchen, so everyday I walked in, I'd be met with beautiful, bright flowers.

She loved them.

They made her happy- even when he yelled at her. Even when he'd break the dishes in the kitchen, and scream how useless she was. Even when he struck her for defending us. Yet, so bright and happy, those flowers were.

So bright and happy.

But that was a long time ago. Now, with both parents having passed, Kathyusha already married- with good Canadian man, and Natalia going off to collage, I was alone.

Tending a flower shop in Russia- especially as a man is quite strange. But somehow the people do not mind.

It was another day at work. This one, in particular, I still remember.

I had finished an order with a family who needed white lilies for a funeral when a woman walked in.

I glanced up and almost dropped my phone. She made the whole store brighter- and my store had lots of windows!

She was obviously foreign, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. Is this what the world had to offer outside of Russia?

She glanced around- and I couldn't help but wish she'd look at me with those eyes.

Then, she saw me. My heart stopped when she smiled.

That smile. I can't ever forget that smile.

We had hit it off right away. She told me her name- the enchanting Y/n. She didn't buy anything- she had accidentally left her purse at home, but I couldn't care less.

I had given her two flowers - one of my most expensive species to grow.

"Thank you so much, but why me? Am I the ten-thousandth customer to come?"

"No," I laughed. "A beautiful girl deserves some beautiful flowers, da? Let's meet up for dinner, da? I take you to a nice restaurant."

"Why, I'd love that," She blushed, twirling the flowers around her fingers. So adorable. "Flower Boy."

We exchanged numbers and soon, I remember walking down to her hotel.

She is still the most beautiful woman I've ever known besides my mama. Her h/c hair was styled casually elegant, her modest f/c dress complimenting her eyes, and her jeweled flats that accentuated her legs.

The dinner date was a success. I learned she was actually a businesswoman! Different than the traditional foreign teacher, or random tourist, but I didn't mind.

We went on a few more dates after that- before she left for another flight. She promised we'd keep contact. I was her "Flower boy." She was my "Sunflower."

She kissed me on the cheek. "See you, Flower boy."

"See you, Sunflower."

After a few days- when I was almost certain she was done with her meetings, I called. No answer. No panic, maybe it was jet lag. I tried again. Nothing.

A few weeks had passed. Still no word- even when I texted.

I wish I could man up and lie, lie that it didn't hurt. It hurt. It's silly to even think, but she was my everything. There was just a pull to her- one nobody can escape.

🤍Hetalia Oneshots🤍Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ