Chapter 19

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Hey, guys! I am so so sorry for updating this late. My exams were going on and wanted to focus wholly on my studies so that's the reason but no worries, I am here with an update now.

So please read, vote and share. 

And lastly, I wanna thank @rattatouille for supporting my book throughout and voting. Thank you very much. It really means a lot. This chapter is for you, dear.

So enjoy reading!


Tucking Aleyha to sleep, I kissed her forehead and promised, a half sleepy Aleyha, of another visit. Once she gave in her tiredness and fell asleep, I left her room. Phoppu held my arm and took me to the living room.

"Now tell me, Zoha? What happened there? I know whatever you told me was just an excuse." She asked me, holding both of my arms.

"Phuppo, I told you-"

"No, Zoha..." she interrupted me and gave me a warning look. "You are my niece and the one sleeping in that room is my daughter. I have watched you grow up, you were this small and now you've come to my height, but no matter how grown up you are, I can still tell when you are lying and when you are telling the truth. So, tell me meri jaan, what happened back in Ammi's home?" Her face softened as she cupped my face.

"Phuppo..."I broke down. That was the cue. I could no longer keep it all in. I told her everything whatever happened at Dadi's house. She had a right to know everything because I knew Aleyha needed someone beside her right now and there could be no one else except Phuppo herself to fill this void and help her move on.

Once I finished telling her whatever happened in Dadi's house, I tightened my hold on her hands as I observed her face. Her beautiful eyes, which had always looked at us like we were her world, were filled with tears and that sight tortured me. Supporting her, I made her sit on the sofa and sat in front of her, on my knees. Holding both of her hands, I looked at her. 

"Phuppo, this is the time where you need to be strong. Aleyha is going through much right now, don't expect that once she wakes up she'll be her normal self. She needs some time and I hope you'll understand and gave her that time. Don't get worried about seeing her like that. Okay? You, first need to relax so that you could support her." I told her, squeezing her hands, reassuring her that everything would be fine.

She nodded at me, as her misty eyes met mine. "I've told you all this because after hearing all this I know whatever you'd decide for Aleyha will be the best for her. There's no one who could make the best choice for her except you. But please, Phuppo, forgive Wali bhai too. I don't know what had happened to him. I was so sure he loves Aleyha but after today's incident..." I shook my head as my head bowed, my brain had yet to process and accept whatever had happened today. I never want Phuppo and Wali's bhai bonding to get ruined because of all this. The bonding from which I used to get jealous but I never want that to be affected now.

"Zoha," I heard phuppo's whisper. She lifted my chin up, making sure I was looking into her eyes. "I understand. I know Wali. You know, I can never get mad at him but just that I am upset with him. Whatever happened was in her fate, I have no hard feelings for Wali in my heart. I know whatever he did there must be a reason and maybe I know why he-" she stopped herself from saying anything further and shook her head. I looked at her with a frown on my face but she continued.

"...You, listen to me, no need to feel guilty or upset on Wali's behalf. Okay? And don't worry about Aleyha, we all are with her. She'll be fine." As soon as she finished, I threw myself on her and hugged her tight, which she returned, kissing me on my temples. That's how my Phuppo is, always being optimistic, looking into every situation in a positive way. I just love her.

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