Chapter 11

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Once we were in my room, mama settled me on my bed. A knock on the door diverted our attention. Mama opened the door, and a doctor came in. My brows knitted.

"Mr Khan called me and told me there was someone injured here," the doctor said, looking at me.

Of course, it would have been Wali. I looked behind the doctor expecting that he may have also come but no, no one was there.

Arghhhh, that man!

After the doctor has checked the 'injured person' that was me, he bandaged my foot and told that there was no fracture but a major sprain, the ligaments have been slightly stretched and damaged.

"There is nothing to worry about, but make sure she does not walk or exert any type of pressure on her foot. Her foot needs complete rest. It would be better if every night you ice it but not more than twenty minutes. She'll be fine in about a week"

I didn't pay much attention to the doctor. My mind was still on that man who worries too much but cannot come to visit me.

He and his temper! I mentally scoffed.

After the doctor left, mama gave me a long lecture, glared at me and told me to rest.

What a way to treat someone who is hurt, I glowered.

Leaning against the headboard, I closed my eyes to rest.


I woke up startled when someone barged into my room, and that someone was none other than Zoha.

"Are you trying to break the door? And don't you have a susral to attend, why are you here?" I glared at her.

Ignoring my comment, she walked towards me and sat beside me. "What happened to you? It's been only two days that I left and your clumsiness came back. Wait, it was never gone in the first place, my bad" she laughed at her own joke.

Wasn't she worried about me a few seconds ago, I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Shut up... what's the time anyway?" I looked at the clock on the wall in front of me.

"What the hell! It's 7 already. I have to go home". I was about to get up that Zoha stopped me.

"Woah, Woah! Calm down Flash. Phoppo and phopa jaan has left. Mama had stopped you here as you were hurt, she said until and unless you get better you'll be staying here"

"Oh. Mehrun khala and Hina khala also left?" I asked the house was way quieter.

"Hmm, they all came to see you but you were asleep" she replied, writing something on my bandage.

"What are you doing?" I screeched and tried to move my leg away.


"Who told you to move your leg" she glared at me.

"What did you write?" I ignored her glared.

"See for yourself"

"Patience is the key" I read aloud, frowning. "What does that mean?"

"You'll know soon" she gave me an evil smile.

"Whatever, I am not in a mood to play 'guess my stupid thoughts' with you. Anyway, Zoha...listen...who else came to visit me when I was asleep?"

"Umm...Pareeshay, Zaroon, Haider and Ali" she counted on her fingers.


"Anddddd...yeah..." I beamed at her "....nanna" my shoulders slumped.

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