Chapter 18

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I heard soft murmurs near me. I tried opening my eyes, but they were too heavy. I, then, felt something wet on my cheeks, I thought they were my tears but again something was sprinkled on my face and I realized it was water. Someone was sprinkling water on my face and I heard that person whispering my name softly. The coolness of the water calmed me and once again, I tried to open my eyes, giving in an extra effort. My eyes gradually opened and from a vision of blur, I saw a figure looming over me, calling me out. The heaviness of my lids and the blinding light prevented me from seeing her clearly but her soft murmur of my name couldn't be unrecognizable. I could recognize her voice amongst the millions.

"Zoha..." I croaked, my voice becoming heavy. I saw her moving her head up and down. My vision gradually becomes clearer as I adjusted myself to the lights. I tried to get up, supporting myself by my arms, but the throbbing pain in my head prevented me to do so. My hand instantly went to my head, clutching it. Zoha helped me straighten up, setting pillows at my back. I looked at her face, her forehead puckered. And all that has happened came rushing back to me like a hurricane. Pressing my temple with my fingertips, I breathed in and out, slowly and heavily as Zoha instructed me to do so. I looked into her misty eyes and my eyes once again watered. My lips curved downwards and she shook her head, cupping my face. Her forehead lines deepened further and she instantly touched my forehead. Her eyebrows shot to her hairline as her eyes widened. "Al, you have a high temperature," she stressed out.

"What?!"I heard another voice. I looked passed Zoha and my eyes settled on my mother's worried face. She came near me, checking my temperature.

"Zoha, call Dr Taimoor," she told her.

"Mom, I am fine," I assured her, squeezing her hand which was cupping my face. "It's just a normal cold."

"No, you are not fine and there sure is something you are hiding from me." My eyes widened as I looked towards Zoha. I opened my mouth to assure her but she interrupted me. "Your room was locked from inside. I first thought that you were sleeping but you have never locked your room before for this long like today and then Zoha came. We kept knocking on the door but you were giving no response which worried both of us to no ends. So we called someone to break the lock. We came in and tried to wake you but you were unconscious. And look at your face, it's all sore and your leg, it was covered in blood." My eyes went towards my foot, which now had a bandage wrapped around it. They must have done this, I realized.

"Tell me, Aleyha, what happened?" She lifted my face towards her, looking into my eyes sternly. I bit my lip, fidgeting with my finger.


"Phuppo, you are right." My head snapped towards her. I glared at her, shaking my head at her, hoping she would understand and keep her mouth shut. "It's my fault. We both had a fight and I spoke to her very rudely because of which this all happened."

She looked at both of us, and her facial features relaxed, which meant she bought Zoha's excuse. I breathed, smiling at her.

"Yes, mom, she is right. So why are you here now, Zoha?" I pretended to be rude to her.

"Okay then, you both talk and solve your issues quickly. And Aleyha, be nice to her. I don't know what had happened between the both of you but just so you know don't let misunderstanding and small fights ruin your relation. Listen to each other and be understanding." She smiled warmly at both of us as we nodded at her and kissed our foreheads. "Now, I'll make some soup for you meanwhile, Zoha you call Dr Taimoor. He'll check her fever as well as her foot. We have to make sure it wouldn't get worst." She called out as she moved towards the exit of the bedroom.

We both breathed a sigh of relief as mum left. I closed my eyes, resting my head against the headboard of my bed, the tears I tried to control in the presence of my mother, gathered in my eyes.

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