Chapter 17

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It was the last straw. Who gave him the right to decide what my feelings for him are?

A mere infatuation?

All my life, I have loved him like a fool and he says that it's just a mere infatuation. Wiping away my tears furiously, I straightened myself and marched towards them.

"You have said enough, Wali!"

They both stood frozen on their spots. Zoha's face paled and Wali just stood there, looking at me wide-eyed. I looked towards him and gazed into his eyes, my eyes flickered all over his face, trying to get any sign of the Wali I knew. He released an exasperated sigh. Closing his eyes, he pinched the bridge of his nose and took a step towards me.

"Ale?! You...I-"

I quickly took a step back and put my hand in front of him, stopping him from coming any further.

"Stop right there, Wali! Don't you dare come near me? I don't know you. Who are you and where is my Wali?" I demanded,

"...bring him back, please," I looked into his eyes, pleading him to stop all of this, wishing it to be a nightmare only. I shut my eyes tightly, hoping that when I open them again everyone would disappear just like a bad dream would but you don't always get what you wish for, right? my mind mentally scoffed at my pity self and the tears I earlier wiped away, once again streamed down my cheeks. I furiously wiped them again, not wanting to show my weakness to this man standing right in front of me.

"Ale, I-"

"Wait! I am so sorry. It came out wrong. You were never mine in the first place. I am sorry, you must have felt bad. I heard what you said about you not deserving me and all. I heard it loud and clear. It's my mistake."

I gave him a tight-lipped smile. He looked at me, his face contorted in a frown. "Ale, got it wrong. I-"

"Oh, come on, Wali. Don't give me that sympathizing and pitiful look. By the way, I heard the first time that... that... you cannot love me, you didn't have to repeat it. I know, of course, how foolish was I? Why would you love me? I was the one you rejected and left behind and went to America. There must be a lot of girls there better than me, more intelligent and prettier. I am nothing-"

"Stop it, Aleyha! It's enough. Do you understand? Not a word more!" he growled, slamming his fist on the table. He clenched his jaw, looking at me with raging eyes.

"Why? You didn't stop then why should I stop? You cannot intimidate me today. I have enough of you. And listen carefully, mister..." I narrowed my eyes at him, pointing a finger at him "...don't you dare blame me for leaving the country. You have always wanted this so why make excuses that you left because of me. Don't show that you cared about my happiness, when you actually didn't. I doubt if you ever truly did care." I whispered the last part menacingly at him, clenching my jaw as my eyes filled with tears. The way his face hardened and his eyes dilated, I assumed he heard me as a muscle in his jaw ticked. I lowered my pointing finger and wiped my tears furiously from the back of my hand, looking away.

"It's good that you got to know about everything before this marriage facade got out of our hands. Now, you'll realize that you never had any feelings for me and it was just an infatuation." He scoffed, looking away. His adam's apple bobbed as his veins popped out lividly.

"Don't you dare insult my love, Wali! My love for you was so pure. You know what? You don't even deserve it." I told him, swallowing the lump in my throat. My voice came out harsh as my breath grew thin and ragged. I tried to control myself, reminding there were people in this house.

Ya Allah, who was this man standing in front of me?

"I know." He gave me a cynical smile that flared my temper further.

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