"Thanos happened." Sam told her.

That's when they explained what had happened for the millionth time. From Thanos, the snap and Ant-Man and the Wasp to Spider-Man and the soul stone.

"Interesting." Shuri muttered. That's when she remembered what Spider-Man said.


"Where are we even going?" Shuri asked.

"You'll see in a minute Princess." That's what he kept calling her. Princess. She told him to stop (well more like demand), multiple times. But he wouldn't stop.

"Could you give me some answers?!" She snapped, irritated.

"What do you want to know? If it's something I can tell you, I'll give you the answer."

"Who are you?" Shuri asked.

"Come on Princess. I know you're smarter than that. You know who I am."

Shuri just grumbled. That's when an idea came to mind.

"Fine. What connection do you have with this place?"

Spider-Man paused for a moment. Seeming to think what kind of answer to give her. After a moment went by Shuri thought she wouldn't get an answer, then he spoke up.

"I-I don't know." He spoke quietly, so quiet that Shuri almost didn't hear him. "I woke up here, in... pain. Everything hurt and I was having a sensory overload. Then I met her and she explained what happened. But for some reason I already knew. I just knew where everyone is. I can sense their presence."

Shuri was silent. Processing the newly given information. She then looked up at the Spider. To find him smiling at her.

"But don't worry about that Shuri." He told her. After a few seconds of silence Shuri said.

"You called me Shuri."

"Yes, that is your name, is it not?"

Suddenly he stopped. And told her to wait.

End of Flashback

"Shuri!?" Shuri snapped back to reality to see her brother in front of her, his hands on her shoulders.

"Sorry, I'm fine."

"I am Groot?" Groot asked.

"He asked if it was a-" Wanda was cut off Shuri.

"Yes. Yes it was." Everyone looked at her dumbfounded, except for Groot who looked over the moon.

"I am Groot?"

"Yes, I can. I'm assuming that not everyone can understand you though." Shuri states, smiling at Groot.

Groot returned it with a smile of his own and nodded to her statement.

"What did he say?" Bucky asked.

"Groot asked if it was a flashback." Shuri answered.

"Flashback? About what?" T'Challa turned to Shuri.

"Spider-Man." She answered without skipping a beat. Everyone was silent. Then they turned to Shuri, waiting for her to continue. "I asked what his connection with the soul stone is."

When she didn't elaborate further, Sam pushed for more answers, "And. What did he say?"

Shuri contemplated on what and how to phrase what Spidey said to her.

"He didn't know. He was confused when he first woke up. That he was in pain for a short period of time. Said that he suffered a sensory overload when he woke up."

Everyone shared a worried look. They didn't know why, but deep down they felt a sense of worry and a need to protect. However the feeling was small and they pushed it down to the back of their minds.

"Then he told me he saw her. I don't know who her is though. When she tried to explain what happened, he said that he already knew everything. Like he could sense where everyone was." Shuri continued.

"Interesting." Strange whispered, "Is that all?"

"Yes." Shuri answered. Strange nodded.

"What shall we do now?" Mantis asked.

"We wait."


Alright, chapter 6 complete. What do y'all think? So next chapter will be out either sometime in June or beginning of July.

Anyway Byeee!

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