Pt 3

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Ssoh part

I sat down aleks ran to get Dan and sly is just gone. Koots left to find Dan and I'm here questioning all of this. Hearing a knock I looked up seeing Dex there confused "hey there mate you alright?" He asked as I shook my head as he walked to me patting my back "want to tell me? Aleks isn't here so I can't fuck with him." He chuckled afterwards as I smiled

"Did you know aleks liked me?" I asked as he frowned nodding as I sighed again. "So...aleks knew I loved sly but kissed me not giving a damn on who he hurts!?" I asked as he nodded "aleks is a confusing ass. I don't really know how to help you out." He srugged as I nodded "well thanks dex, the queen would be proud." I joked as dex laughed touching my hair

"Your long lions mane of hair is gone, why Seamus why?!" He asked as I shuttered glaring at him "you fucking know this!" I pointed out as he nodded a large smile on his face as we both looked up to see aleks glaring at dex now. Are you fucking kidding me?

"Seamus what are you doing?!" He snapped as I frowned walking to him my blue eyes narrowned. "Aleksander don't you start. I'm not your's I'm slys but thanks to you. Everything is fucked up! You ruined Dan's life and Sly's life, and knowing sly he went to nova and now you ruined kootra's life! If anything alek. You fucked me life over!" I stated my anger making me want to sock aleks the jaw.

Aleks frowned "why Seamus! I loves you for so long."

Dex cut in abruptly "actually mate, you loved Kootra, Sly, Kevin, Steven, Michael, Me, Ze, Spoon, then Seamus." He corrected as I stopped staring at dex

As he looked at me confused aleks was death glaring dex now

"What aleks is a fifteen year old girl just a bit Aleksander."

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