Pt 4

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SsoH Part

I hid my face in his shirt, Fuck he loves me...When did ashley sat she loves me? None...

"Sly....I-" I start but have sly cover my mouth

"Don't speak...I will just back off, Sorry for you know...everthing." He muttered letting me go as he walked out the door James waiting as they walked off togeather...He loves me...Yet...Never mind that, Looking around I walked out the door to see Jordan staring at them just as confused 

"Seamus wait up." Jordan stated as i stopped turning "Do you know if somthing up with you know...those two?" He asked pointing at Sly and James as they chuckled.  Looking back at him i srugged "Why do you ask?" 

"Well stuff happened in my office,Then More stuff till i had kissed him....But then he left saying he was waiting for sly..." He spoke really fast as I looked at him "O...K, Same thing but Sly told me he loved me then said sorry and James was there and Now its happaning.." 

Jordan nodded his green eyes confused "I wish i knew what was going on in there minds..."  He muttered looking at James as I smirked "More than likly Nothin." 

Jordan chuckled shaking his head "I think your talking bout me Seamus." He smiled as i nodded "I am."  Soon we both turned our eyes wideing as we saw Dan and Aleks, Mostly Dan cause he fucking srunk and Aleks held his hand dan hidding behind him 


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