Pt 2 Smut

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Nova Part 

I pulled hordan into a deeper kiss my hands clutching onto his shirt that made us get closer as he pulled back slightly and began kissing my neck, Slightly bitting on some I arched my back slightly when he bit down on one area as I let out a moan. "Found it." He whispered licking the area and bitting down on it as I let out a louder moan. 

Messing with his shirt I began to try and take it off as he got the message and sat up my legs wrapped around his waist as he did so. admireing what i saw for one who plays games for a living he actually is in shape...Which is suprissing. Smiling he kissed me again his green eyes burning into mines as he messed with my shirt. Smiling I slowly took mines off as he smiled kissing my chest 

My hands started trailing his chest as he kissed my neck "I Love you." Hordan Mummer as I smiled "I Know." I smirk as he chuckled as I slowly pulled down his shorts as he did the same...His kisses then trailed from my neck to my chest as I slowly rubbed his hair (You thought it was somthing else?) he made it to my boxers as he slowly pulled it down laying down kisses as he made it to my member

licking the base as he slowly trailed up kissing my tip as I let out a soft moan Hordan slowly tried fitting myself in his mouth. and began bobbing his head. laying my head down I let out a loud moan thrusting automaticly as he slightly gagged but pulled back. his breathing heavy as I saw my member become red pre slowly ozzing out as Jordan began to pump his ownself. Lubing him self as I bit my lip raiseing my hips as he rasied his tips at my entrence. He leaned down kissing me as he slowly pushed himself in as I let out a loud scream tears falling as He whiped my tears kissing me back 

"I'm Sorry Jamie,It will get better i swear." He mummer still going in as I nodded "How? It fucking hurts!" I whined as he nodded feeling his balls at my entrence he held my hand as I let out a loud groan of pain before moving to get comfortuble as I nodded 

He began to go slow making it eader for me as I waited for it t feel better. soon it stoped feeling sore as I let out a moan "Please Go Fast!" I moan my arms around around his neck as he nodded going a bit faster, as he brought me on his lap and began bounceing me as I let out moans and other noises I knew i could make. 

Soon I felt him hit somthing as I let out a loud moanish scream. He leaned to me as he kissed me trailing on his neck as his hands trailed over me. Pulling back I looked him in the eyes as he went slowly but started hitting that spot harder each time as I let out moans looking at his eyes he smiled 

"I  love your eyes." He mummer kissing me as I smiled bouceing my own self as I pined him down bonceing as he let out moans holding our hands as he would thrust up sometimes as I let out a loud moan and curses. 

Feeling a tightness in my stomch. He began to jerk me off his hand harshly and quickly doing it as I felt him become sloppy, But still hitting me there as I felt my self come so close "H-HORDAN!" I screamed my nails on the sheet as i stopped bounceing. bitting my lip after it as i came on his chest and hand. as He bucked up "James I-I F-" He yelled as I felt warm inside me as he let himself out as it made a fucking weird pop noise. 

I curled to him my head on his chest as he held me, messing with my hair "I Love you so much...My Cookie Monster..." He mummer kissing me again. 

We laid there for a while until we heard a knocking. Our eyes wide as we looked there "Jordan are you here?" 

We looked at each other, then the door as we held our breath as the voice spoke again 

"Jordan it's me Monica." 

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