Update 3?

138 3 3

Hi guys so um...

This book is haitis for problems more that it should be but, I hit a really large rough patch as I can't write anything for this, mostly cause I had inspiration to do so but now the inspiration turned to a...let's see how do I say this...

A perverted sack of fucking shit.

So I'm not going to be able to write cause I just I need some time to get better,make up my mind and just think Shiz through cause I am really really confused


Also if you guys don't understand well I'm sorry but the craps I gave I left in the bank of damns to give. So screw it

And for those who forgive me and understand thank you

Next I might write somthing to take my mind off of it but you don't have to read it

Eather a

South Park xReader


Scorpion x Subzero mortal Kombat fan fic

Quote book

Bout me pt2

Or anything I set my mind to cause you know what whatever.

Queenie is out

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