Pt 4

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DanzNewz part

I stopped my heart burst as I stopped spreading seeing sly's ters water as I walked away going into the first office I saw. Heard a voice as It matched koots as he turned confused "Daniel?" He asked as I nodded sitting down I one of his chairs as he looked fully at me gettin off his chair as he crouched by me. His green eyes conserned "Daniel what's wrong? You can tell me." He whispered as I looked dead at him

"I'm sorry." He whispered bitting his lip before pressing his lips against me as I kissed back his lips soft as he pulled back his hand on my cheek "could you tell me now?" He asked as I nodded "aleks kissed Seamus." I muttered as he froze his eye wide "did you only see it? Are you sure that happened? Perhaps it was...a mistake?" He asked as I gritted my teeth tears of pain and anger filled me eyes

"I'm for real Jordan...I guess aleks didn't truly love me." I sighed as he shook his head "I'm sorry Dan, you don't deserve that...believe me Dan I would be with you but...I can't I'm sorry." He whispered as I nodded "I know koots, I know." I mummerd hugging him as I got up seein aleks at my office as I stopped turning swiftly before waking the other way as. Heard foots steps following me.

"Dan? Dan where are you going....what's wrong?"

Did he just asks me that?!

I turned abruptly to see aleks confused as I growled all my anger showing

"Fuck you Aleksander, you never loved me did you you fucking sack of shit! You can't just go kissing people you fuck! So you know what fuck you and everything I thought you were. I thought we could have a future...I was willing to give you my name...I can't fucking believe you..." I screamed as aleks pale as I turned swiftly leaving as I slammed the door

"I'm done with my life."

Love You With No EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora