Pt 2

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Nova Part 

No one said anything Monica coved up,Hordan was ran out crying i just stood there looking at Monica who may i add looks like a bat out of fucking hell. smirking i coughed seeing her jump "So. How was this day for you?' I asked leaning against the wall as she frowned 

"Fuck you James.You ruined my  marriage!" She shoved me as i chuckled. No way in hell am i pushing her.Unlike her i have a limit  "Monica, For once in my life this isnt my fault you ruined your own marriage by sucking men and fucking men dick till the came. Is this my problem? No. But you messed with Hordan...So your basically messing with me...And i don't take that kindly." I mutter my gaze burning as She gasped 

"Fuck.No. You think he will love a gay faggot like you?! Well let me shine some light in your fucked up world. Jordan is Strait not gay he will never be gay why? Cause he had me as i wife if anything if he was i changed tha-" 

"Actually Monica its called being Bi. Not Homosexual."  Monica turned to see a very very unhappy hordan looking at her. His gave on me soften as he smiled slightly as i smiled back. Monica looking very pissed "Are you telling me your part fucking faggot?!"  She screamed as Jordan frowned 

"If it means to like the opposite sex then yes yes i am." He stated standing by me as she glared at us. "So,you love him? All this time you loved him? Is this what you thought of during sex?" She asked pointing at me as i felt my face redden. i don't know what to feel...Be happy if its true or be assaulted cause she called me an it?

Jordan looked at me for a second before smiling as he stepped closer to me and cupped my chin

he leaned down and softly pressed his lips against me.

"If it matters now...Yes." 



It hurts to write bout homosexual assaults,Cause they are humans not just some butt fudging people they have feelings they breath the same air we breath but people act like they are monsters cause of there dang ignorance or they freaking religion...

Still need that rant book...

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