three; C

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× him ×

"Hyung, wake up!"

I immediately groaned when I heard that oh-so-familiar voice inside my room. Can't this guy just let me sleep in peace?

Grabbing the pillow near me, I placed it on my face, not wanting to get disturbed again. But my given roommate just have to be a nuisance.

"Jesus, Hyuck! Can you please stop?" I said and sat up on the bed. While Hyuck was still jumping on the bed.

"Johnny-hyung told me to wake you up, everyone's up for breakfast, except you." Hyuck tells me and stops jumping.

I just nodded my head and laid back again.

"Tell him, I'll be up after five."

Hyuck just clicks his tongue and soon enough I heard the door shut.



"Good morning Marco!!" Johnny shouts as soon as he saw me approach the kitchen.

I lazily took the seat beside him and sent him a glare.

"Marco your ass." I hissed and grabbed my plate.

"Woah, someone's in a bad mood, i say." Yuta says, looking at me through his glass of water.

"Hey you tell me, you saw that vision again?" Doyoung said and pointed his fork at me. I just nodded and ate some of my eggs and bacon.

After I took a bite, I looked over at Taeyong hyung and gave him a thumbs up.

But he just frantically looks at me, shakinf his head and points at Jaehyun hyung.

"No, no! Woojae cooked today." He informs me, and I let out an 'oh' and smiled at him.

"Anyways, so tell us about that vision, hmm?" Taeil hyung says, directing his gaze at me. I placed down my chopsticks and gripped my hair lightly.

"That's the friggin' problem, i can't tell you anything, cause it's still unclear." only a blurred face of a girl. And it's not enough to know who she is.

The hyungs just let out an 'aww', while Haechan just snickers.

"maybe your soulmates too scared to face you hyung." Haechan says, but Taeyong slaps his shoulder, making him stop teasing and annoying the heck out of me.

"don't worry pal, you'll have it soon. you know don't rush things, if you don't want to be johnny." Jaehyun says and immediately the topic went straight to johnny hyung, who was holding a pizza from his plate.

Poor johnny hyung, been eating fastfood for a month now.

"I see, pizza for today, hmm?" I teased him, while he just lets out a sigh.

"don't remind me, please."

"But i thought you loooove pizza, and can eat it forever? remember that interview hyung?" Jungwoo teases, and soon laughter was all that can be heard inside our dorm.

"Geez yeah, I regret it now. I'm getting sick of it." Johnny frowns and placed back the piece on his plate.

"Hyung, I'm curious, what happens when you don't eat it though?" Haechan asks, leaning closer, with his elbow on the table.

"Upset stomache is all i get, and geez i don't want that happening in the middle of promotions."

"Hey I've got an idea!" Yuta hyung exclaims from his seat.

"what is it nakamoto?" Taeil asks him. Yuta just smiles brightly and stands from his seat.

"Look, what if we just advice czennies to stop eating fastfood? Like man, what if your soulmate's a fan of us?" Yuta said, his expression's like telling us to agree with what he said.

"I think he has a point, trying won't lose us anything." Doyoung hyung says, and Yuta asked him for a high five.

"you see that Mark? Dons agrees with me!" Yuta hyung cheers happiliy.

"ooiii! oiiii! oiiiii~" I shouted to cheer him up more. Man, hyung never looked so happy like this before.

"just- this once, I thought you did great in thinking. but that doesn't mean i'll agree with you all the time." Doyoung rolled his eyes, whereas Yuta still had his healing smile.

After our breakfast, we decided to play rock-paper-scissors, to see who washes the dishes, and'll be our poor cinderelly for the day.

"Oh man! you see i really got the curse." Johnny hyung said defeatedly, then he started piling up our plates and putting it in the sink.

"Hmm, since one of us woke up very veryy lateeee, he can be of help to you johnny~"

I was already going back to my room, my hand ready to twist my door's knob, when I heard what Taeyong hyung said.

"Don't you think so Mark?" Hyung asks me as I turned around to face him. Jesus, why did I even decided to be tardy today?

"Oh maaan."


"Hey hyung?"


"Do you think, that i'll see her sooner?" I asked hyung, while my eyes were still fixated on the plates i'm holding.

"i don't really know mork, but i'm guessing it'll be sooner than you expect." Johnny hyung says as he continues to wipe the table clean.

"i'm really having a hard time with these foggy dreams. it's making me dizzy at how unclear it is." I confessed and sit down on one of the chairs, as i've finished washing all of the dirty dishes.

Johnny did the same, and occupied the seat infront of me.

"look, you're not the only one having a hard time okay? we don't know, maybe she's experiencing worst."

As a sudden realization hit me, I looked at hyung with my eyes widened.

"Hyung! what if it's a he?!"

Johnny just chuckled, as if he didn't took that seriously.

"then you don't need any signs idiot, just look around you and you'll immediately spot him."

I just looked at him unable to say something in return cause he got me kunfused. ;)

"I'm referring to haechan, by the way." Hyung said, giving me a teasing look. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.

"geez, anyone but him."

lucid dreams • mk.lee [NCT Soulmates AU]Where stories live. Discover now