Chapter 14

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Once school is over for the day, Yoriko walked with Touka to Anteiku for her first day of work as part-time waitress. They went to the back to change into their work uniforms.

"How's it going in there?" Irimi asked, outside the door.

"What do you think?" Yoriko walked out.

Her waitress uniform is similar to Touka's, except her long sleeves aren't folded.

"You look exactly wonderful," Irimi smiled.

"Hey, not bad for your first time in that uniform," Koma added.

"Thank you," Yoriko is quite complimented, indeed. These two are ghouls, but they're nice.

"Are you ready to work here?" Touka puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, Touka, I'm ready," Yoriko nodded.

"Good to know."

Just then, a customer arrives, and it's revealed to be none other than Hide.

"Welcome to Anteiku!" Yoriko greeted him with a smile on her face. While this is happening, the others are in the counter to see how she will handle her first customer. "Please, come right in," she escorted him to a table.

"Thank you," Hide smiled as he took his seat.

"Now, may I take your order?" Yoriko pulls out a small notebook and pen to write down his order.

"One cappuccino, please," was his order.

"One cappuccino. Coming right up," she leaves the table to go to the counter to make some coffee, and Touka is going to teach her on how to do it. After waiting for a few minutes, she has his coffee ready. "Here you go, sir."

"Thank you for the order," Hide is happy to have his coffee. Then he asked her the obvious question. "You're Yoriko, aren't you? Kaneki told me about you."

"So you're Hide?"

"Yup, that's me. He told me you're a half-ghoul now, and that he's going teaching you how to fight. Isn't that right?"

"Yeah, that's right," Yoriko confirmed, while she touches her eyepatch. "He's going to teach me again tonight."

"I hope you can learn enough if you run into him again," Hide commented.

"You know that guy?" she knows who he is talking about.

"Yeah, he kills people. Like those two CCG officers

Meanwhile, Chigurh walks his way to Anteiku. It's about time for him to go there. Just as he walks to the stairs, he saw Hide leaving the cafe. Unlike the last time he saw him, the latter is not frightened to see him once again.

"If I were you, you'd better watch your back about this place," Hide grinned before leaving.

As usual, Chigurh has no emotion from that statement of his.

"Great job on your first customer, Kosaka," Irimi complimented on how Yoriko is handling things well.

"Thank you. I learned what to do from Touka telling me about how she does things here," Yoriko said with a smile.

"Quite a learning experience for you," Nishiki added.

Just then, the door opens for another customer.

"Welcome to Antei..." Yoriko greeted, only for her greeting to be cut off and her smile has turned into dread. It's because she recognized the customer entering the place.

It's him, no doubt.

Anton Chigurh...

The sociopath who shot her in the chest and left her dead on that fateful night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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