Chapter 4

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The next day, Yoriko woke up in a hospital bed with her younger sister, Miyako, and their parents sitting beside it.

"She's awake!" her mother cried in happiness.

"Mom? Where am I?" Yoriko asks slowly.

"You're in a hospital, sweetie," her mother tells her.

"Yoriko, what happened? Do you remember anything about last night?" her father asked next.

"Sorry, Dad. I can't remember anything," Yoriko replies.

"Not even what happened after you left the alleyway?" Miyako asked.

"I'm sorry, Miyako, but I don't really remember anything," she replies.

"Aw, that's too bad," her sister complained, then she perks up afterwards. After all, she's quite the optimist. "That's okay. I'm sure you'll remember eventually. I like to get my hands on the culprit who hurt my big sister."

"Why? What happened?"

"You were shot in the chest, Ms. Kosaka, but at least you were able to cling onto your life even though the damage was fatal," a voice came, and it's from her doctor. "However, someone has sliced you open on your back around the waist, but no organs were removed."

Yoriko is shocked to hear the news. So shocked that she started breathing heavily, but a touch from her mother's hand calmed her down.

"Don't worry, sweetie. It's okay," she reassured her. "At least Touka found you."

"Touka found me?" Yoriko asks.

"Yes, she did. She came to find you as soon as we asked her if she knew where you are."


"Mr. and Mrs. Kosaka, I should tell you something. Of course, it's also important for you to hear this, Miyako," her doctor said with a clipboard on his hands. "We are going to do a few more tests on her, then she will be able to go home. It will be in about two or three days. She can also go back to school in about a week."

"Thank you, doctor," the three Kosaka family members bowed their heads, being thankful for the news.

The doctor bows back before taking his leaves from the room.

A little while, the police made their way to the hospital room. They interrogated her for information on who had shot her, but just like with her family, she can't remember anything. At least they gave her a card so that she'll give them a call if she remembers anything.

Three days have passed, and Yoriko is back on home. She can walk again, but she is still unable to do other things such as run and jump. All that matters is that she's back home. She sits on the sofa watching a TV drama at the night, and Miyako is in her bedroom listening to music.

"Yoriko, you want something to eat?" Miyako asked as she gets into the refrigerator to get a snack.

"No thanks, Miyako," Yoriko called while watching TV.

"It's been three days since you were released. You need to eat something."

"Sorry, it's just that I have lost my appetite since the incident."

"Okay, if you say so. Eventually, you need to eat."

"Thanks, Miyako. I'll remember that."


On the same night, Chigurh is seen making a reservation in a motel located at the 20th Ward. After he got his room, he examines the two blueprints he got. One is for the CCG Main Office located in the 1st Ward, and other is the 11th Ward Base where the Aogiri Tree is. Along with these are the photos of every CCG member and Aogiri Tree member.

He is scheming to take down both factions. Be it destroying their buildings or killing the members themselves.

Just then, he saw a pamphlet below the floor and picks it up. Presumably, it's from a previous guest who stayed in this room.

"Anteiku..." he muttered, upon looking at the object.

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