Chapter 3

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Yoriko is seen walking through the streets at night. Anyway, she ran through some errands before going home which is why she's carrying one plastic bag on each hand. Looking at her watch, it's now 9 PM. Needing to find a faster way to go back home, she decided to head for the shortcut.

Unfortunately for her, the alleyway wasn't as straight as it should be due to the different shape of the buildings. This would allow ghouls to eat their prey unseen. Anyway, as she head to the third part of the alleyway, she heard a noise, causing her to slowly walk to see what the commotion is.

"Please, I just wanna live among the humans!" the female ghoul cried.

"Do I care? No, I don't," Chigurh said with his own cold logic.

"What is that?" she asked about the weapon he's carrying.

"Would you hold still please, ma'am?" he points his captive bolt pistol to her head to kill her with the same shot he inflicted on the ghoul he saw in the 11th Ward this morning.

Witnessing what he did caused Yoriko to drop her plastic bags with fright. This created a noise which allowed Chigurh to notice her. He took steps forward to get closer to her.

"Who are you?" Chigurh asked.

"I'm Yoriko. Yoriko Kosaka, and I'm just a student," Yoriko responds despite the fear she's feeling for this guy.

"What is a student like you doing out here late at night?"

"I'm just trying to go back home."

From what she'd seen of that guy, he is a psychopath.

"Are you going to shoot me?" Yoriko asked the obvious question.

"That depends," Chigurh responds darkly. "Do you see me?"

Instead of answering the question, she quickly runs away. She made it out of the alleyway, but he is seen outside as well. Wasting no time, she attempted to blend in with the crowd on the streets, hoping she would lose him. As she leaves the crowd, she saw him in front of him, having blended in with the same crowd to find her. He even waved at her for good measure. She continues her run.

"Where are the cops?" she asked while looking at her surroundings. With no sign of him, she is relieved, but that relief turns into fear when she saw him again, this time in front of her with a car. He looked at her with his usual grim expression. In fact, he can sense her fear towards him. She turned to continue her run all the way to the park. Getting tired, she has decided to rest on a tree.

Just then, she heard a coin being tossed in the air.

"Heads or Tails?" Chigurh asked, having caught the coin on his hand.

"Aren't you taking this a little extreme for a CCG officer?" Yoriko asked.

"Then allow me to introduce myself. My name is Anton Chigurh, and I'm not with the CCG, nor with the Aogiri Tree. Therefore, I work for no one."

"I see what you mean."

"Now, Heads or Tails?"

"Um, Heads?"

Chigurh uncovers the coin, and its side is on Tails.

"Sorry, Yoriko, luck is not on your side," he said before brandishing a shotgun with a silencer to shoot her in the chest. He leaves her for dead, afterwards.

"Didn't expect for him to show up," Dr. Kanou commented with a smile on his face. "What does it matter? At least she's still clinging on for life. Get her."

The red cloaked ghouls that are under his command grab hold of the girl.

"Let's see if she'll be another Kaneki," the doctor whispered to himself while looking at her.

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