Disney Rides!

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It was about 9:00 when Tony and Stephen woke up. Thy knocked on everyone's door so they can wake up. Natasha and Clint woke up right away and ran down the stairs. Thor and Steve woke up but are still tired. Bruce just didn't wake up at all.

"Wow...Bruce is still sleeping...", said Peter.

"Wait...I found a trumpet under the stairs.", said Steve smiling.

"Tony, why don't you play it so you can wake up Bruce?", asked Wade.

"Alright.", said Tony smiling.

Tony and everyone else ran up the stairs and opened the door to Bruce's room. Tony and Steve walked into the room and then Tony placed the trumpet mouthpiece on his lips. He then blasted a note and then Bruce fell out of his bed.

"Ok! I'm up...", said Bruce startled.

Everyone was laughing and then went back to the kitchen for breakfast. Stephen and Steve were making waffles and pancakes. They were in the shape of Mickey.

"So guys...are we going to Hollywood Studios today or Magic Kingdom today?", asked Tony while eating his pancake.
"Hollywood Studios. Definitely.", replied Peter.

"Yea.", everyone else said.

Everyone then was getting ready to go to Hollywood Studios. Peter and Wade were ready first and we're on their phones in the living room texting.

Petey: We're at Disney! And Wade's with me!

Michelle: Are you guys going to kiss in front of the Disney Castle? >:)

WadeMyBoyfriend: Yea we are ;)

Petey: Oh Wade...

Michelle: Oh btw, Ned dropped his phone in the toilet. He's getting a new one today.

Petey: LOL

There was then a loud noise from Tony and Stephen's room.

Petey: Brb

Michelle: Why?

WadeMyBoyfriend: Pete's dad is having a panic attack.

Peter ran into Tony and Stephen's room and saw Tony on his bad breathing rapidly with no shirt on.

"Dad! You okay?", asked Peter worried.

"I don't know why I just had a panic attack...I'm not even stressing over anything...", said Tony confused.

"Well,...you're kinda stressing out because of the trip...", said Peter.

"Yeah, Tony. You need to relax.", said Wade from behind.

"I'm trying...but it's hard...", said Tony.
"Let's just get ready...but don't put I shirt on because you're lookin' hella cute...", said Stephen flirtatiously.

"Oh my god...", said Tony smiling.

He then got up and grabbed a random shirt and put it on. He then ran downstairs with Stephen and saw everyone else was ready. Everyone got into the van and they then all drove to Hollywood Studios. After about twenty minutes, they arrived at Hollywood Studios. Everyone got out of the car and all ran to the entrance. Tony then was getting the tickets.

"Wait, are you the Tony Stark?", asked the ticket booth person."

"Yeah.", replied Tony smiling.

"Oh my god! You guys can enter for free!", exclaimed the ticket booth person.

"Oh! Thank you!", replied Tony.

Everyone then entered the park and everyone was happy to be there. They all decided that they were going to ride the Tower of Terror first. They all had the FastPass card so they got on the ride in about ten minutes. The ride was able to hold up to ten people so they all got on the ride together. Wade was next to Peter.

"Um...Pete?", asked Wade as the ride was going up.

"Yeah?", asked Peter.

"Can you hold my hand? I'm...a...scared of heights.", said Wade embarrassed.

"Alright.", said Peter smiling.

The ride then came to an abrupt stop at the top. The ride then dropped and everyone was screaming.

"Oh...My...GOD!!!!", yelled Wade nervously.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!", said Peter smiling.

The ride then came to a slow down and ended. Everyone was shaking after they got off they ride.

"That was literally the scariest thing if done!", said Wade.

"That was so much fun!", exclaimed Peter.

Everyone else was saying how that was really scary or was really fun. Thor literally said that was boring because he's been through a lot more scarier things. Everyone then decided to go on the Rock n' Roll Coaster next. Wade thought that it was going to be less scary, but he was wrong. The whole ride was in the dark and was blasting rock n' roll music the whole time. The drops every time were so unexpected that everyone was screaming. After the ride, everyone was laughing at Wade because of how he was screaming.

"Dude, you screaming is LiTeRaLlY eArRaPe!", exclaimed Peter.

"Wow...", said Wade smiling.

They all continued laughing and were on there way to the Star Wars area. They spent

the next few hours looking around, taking pictures with Disney characters, touring some of the buildings and were all laughing and filled with happiness. Tony and Stephen were holding hands and were behind everyone else.

"This is going to be sooo fun.", said Tony smiling.

"Yea, especially since I'm with you.", said Stephen smiling back.

Tony looked at his watch and saw it was 5:30. They were eating at the Disney Castle because Tony had dinner planned. They then drove to Magic Kingdom and then ran to the Disney Castle. They then sat down at the restaurant table and waited to be served. But little did they know that they were going to have a ride tonight...

853 words

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