Chapter 13

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It had been a week since Chris was put on the LVAD. It wasn't the cure, but it was giving him more time and that was all I could ask for at the moment.

We were lying down on his small hospital bed that afternoon, staring up at the ceiling. I had gotten so comfortable lying next to him and falling asleep with him by my side that I almost forgot what it was like to be alone.

And I was sure that I never wanted to be alone again.

"So, did you talk to Nate?" Chris asks, interrupting my train of thought.

"Yeah. He says he'll hold my job for me. It's a good thing I'm on good terms with him and Katty."

Chris smiles, looking down at me. "Do you ever wonder why they don't just get together and rename the bar 'Nate and Kate's'? I mean, it's an honest coincidence that their names rhyme."

I laugh, letting my fingertip run along his collarbone absently. "I tease them about that all the time. They don't seem to get what's so funny about it."

Chris laughs quietly, resting his forehead against mine. "Thank God we have the same sense of humor or else this relationship would never work."

"Oh, I know. You weren't lying when you said you were funny," I tease.

Chris grins, "That must mean you've fallen in love with me, huh? See. I knew it. You couldn't resist this charm."

We meet eyes and slowly begin to laugh with one another. Hearing his laughter was like music to my ears. It transported me to a different world where Chris wasn't waiting every second for a new heart; a carefree Chris Evans without any health problems.

"And we're going to end this conversation before this goes any further. I'm going to pick up some more clothes from my place. I'll also do a bit of laundry, so I'll be back in time for dinner. Anything you want me to get from your place?"

Chris had given me the key to his apartment. I never took the time to thoroughly look around his apartment. It didn't feel right to give myself a tour of his place without him there. I would occasionally grab some clothes for him and every time I entered his apartment, I always smiled simply because his scent would linger in each room.

"Maybe a few more pairs of my boxers. I've also got Battleship in my closet. Maybe you'll be good at that since Scrabble isn't your game," he teases.

I stand from the bed, leaning down to kiss his cheek. "I happen to love Battleship, so I may have to kick your ass when I get back."

He chuckles, staring at me with his usual dimpled grin and sparkly eyes. "Do I get a goodbye kiss?" He asks.

I smile instantly. Leaning down, I let my lips press against his. Just as I was going to pull away, Chris lets his hand cup my cheek, slowly lowering it to cup my neck.

He was such an amazing kisser.

"Chris..." I whimper, pulling away from his lips. He grins.

"All right. All right. Go and get going. I'll be here. Dr. Bailey says I may even be ready to walk, so maybe when you get back, I'll be on my two feet." Chris says, grinning in accomplishment.

"Just be careful, okay? Don't overdo it."

Chris nods, watching me leave.


It took me until dinnertime to finish the laundry. I had grown accustomed to doing Chris's laundry with my own that it had become second nature to just let his clothes mix with mine.

I had already taken a trip to Chris's apartment. Going through his clothes was so natural to me that it felt like I had been doing it for so long. It didn't feel like we were just starting out in our relationship; it felt like we had been together for so long with the number of things I was oddly comfortable with.

Once I leave my apartment with a duffle bag of my clothes and Chris's, I begin to drive back to the hospital. Since finding out Chris's condition, I had stopped talking to Katty. I had decided to take a break for one semester of school. My world now revolved around Chris and I didn't mind one bit.

He was the first guy that I was even remotely interested in. It was also the first time that I could see myself with someone long-term.

As I was driving, my mind drifts to Chris. Despite his condition, I couldn't help but think of the way his eyes would light up whenever we pulled away from a kiss. I couldn't help but think of the way his laughter seemed so genuine; his entire personality could light up a room.

Everything about him was always something I looked for in a man. I hated being away from him, not only because of the fear of not being able to say goodbye, but also because it was so normal for me to be in his arms.

I loved the way we could tease each other about anything. I loved the way he would look at me, like I was the only woman in his life that mattered. I loved the sound of his laugh, his smile, his eyes...

I was falling hard for Chris.

Once I make it to the hospital, I walk to his room to find it empty. I feel my heart drop. Surely, Dr. Burke would have called me if something happened.

I drop the duffle bag onto the chair, letting my fingertips run across the sheet of the hospital bed. It was still warm, so that was a good sign.

Then, I feel all my concerns wash away at the sound of his voice.

"Hey," Chris says.

I turn around. He was standing. He wasn't wearing the usual hospital gown. No. He was sporting a grey t-shirt and dark blue track pants with lighter blue stripes down the sides. He was also wearing a black vest that looked to be hooked up to him somehow.


His smile broadens and instantly, I feel myself fall in love with him all over again at the sight of his dimples. He looked happy. The past two weeks had drained him, physically and mentally, but right now, Chris looked like the same guy who helped me with my groceries two months ago.

"Dr. Bailey said I was ready. It's working. I've got colorful wires and a battery pack to help me. Pretty cool, huh?"

I nod, biting my lower lip. It had been so long since I had seen him standing up. I was so used to walking into his hospital room to see him lying down that I almost forgot how tall he was.

"The vest makes you look like those cops who wear those vests with their guns on the side. But instead of a gun, you have a battery pack."

Chris laughs. I feel my entire world brighten at the sound of it.

"Does that mean I make a pretty sexy cop?" Chris teases, slowly walking towards me.

"Oh, definitely."

Instantly, Chris wraps his arms around me. I shut my eyes, snaking my arms around his neck. I bury my face against his neck, blinking back the tears. This was a sign of hope. Things were going to get better.

"You're so tall," I whisper.

Chris smiles, squeezing me tighter. I sigh in contentment. I realized I was meant to be in his arms. Despite his condition, this moment reminded me that I was able to see a future with him.

Chris was everything I wanted.

"I know," he whispers back.

Chris pulls back just enough to look into my eyes. His arms were still tightly wrapped around my waist. Slowly, he lets his lips press against mine. I smile.

I loved his laugh. I loved his smile. I loved his lips and the way it felt so perfectly against my own. It was as if Chris was made for me.

I pull away, resting my forehead against his own. "I brought your clothes."

Chris nods, burying his face against my neck. I smile at the feel of his scruff brushing against my neck.

"Did you bring Battleship?" He asks.

"Yup. And I'm ready to kick your ass."

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