Chapter 7

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Later that night, I walk into the bar and notice Katty already preparing for tonight's shift. Without a word, she pulled me into a hug, apologizing profusely. I could never really stay mad at her.

"It's fine, it's fine. You're right. Another one bites the dust. Just gotta let go before I get too attached," I reassure her, pulling back. "I'm going to put my things away and then I'll help you prepare."

She nods. I walk to the back and place my bag into my locker, sighing quietly to myself. I glance at my phone, hoping that a new message would surprise me, but I was disappointed yet again.

Closing my locker, I try to rid my thoughts of Chris and begin work.

"Heard Jason was going to stop by today," Katty tells me, wiping the bar counter before our manager, Nate, opens the door to our bar, allowing people to rush inside.

"That's what Nate said. You don't think Jason would cause a scene, right?" I ask.

Katty shrugs. "His girlfriend just dumped him for another guy, so who knows."

Before I could respond, the customers begin to ask for a variety of drinks and food from the menu. I slip into a usual routine, making sure that I gather everyone's orders and making their drinks with little wait time as possible.

Throughout the night, Katty and I work in sync with one another, like always. We both playfully flirt with the customers, but we also keep in mind when to cut someone off when they had too much to drink.

The night was proving to be smooth sailing, until Jason stepped in. He was already drunk and stumbling over his own feet. Once he made it to the bar, he plopped down onto the seat and ordered a shot of tequila.

"No. You know I'm not going to do that, Jason. Maybe we should call you a cab and you can go home and get some sleep," I tell him, continuing to make drinks for the other people who ordered.

"Ariana, come on! It's just one fucking shot. It won't hurt anybody." He replies, trying to reach over the counter before I smack his arm aside.

"I said no. Now, I'm going to call you a cab or I will have security throw you out. Your pick."

He rolls his eyes. "Just give me the fucking drink, Ariana. Do your damn job like a good girl that you are and make it."

I tighten my jaw. I knew he didn't mean it, but that didn't stop the man who was watching everything unfold hit Jason square in the jaw. Before my eyes, I see the two men fighting before security rushes in to break it up.

Jason lies unconscious and I look over at Katty with a worried expression. "He's not moving. Oh my god, Katty! He isn't moving!"

I run around the bar to kneel down, checking his pulse. I breathe a sigh of relief when I feel his pulse faint against my fingertips.

"Get him to the hospital, Arri. Katty and I have it covered," Nate says.

I sigh, nodding before Katty tosses me my bag and coat. The security helps Jason to his feet as we bring him outside. I raise my hand for a cab and slowly set Jason aside, thanking the security man.

"Seattle Grace Hospital, please." I tell the driver who simply nods. I hear Jason grunt awake, the sounds of his pain echoing throughout the small, quiet cab.

"What the fuck –" He says, bringing a hand to his brusied face.

"I wouldn't touch your nose if I were you. Looks like it's broken," I reply, staring out the window.

"What the hell happened?"

"Well, you got into a fight because you were acting like an asshole. You're lucky Nate is an understanding boss or else he would have fired you on the spot, Jason."

He doesn't respond. Jason simply stares out the window, probably thinking of what happened at the bar. I was sure that his mind crosses his ex-girlfriend from the way his brows furrow together and tears begin to pool at his eyes.

I felt sorry for him. He had talked countless times about marrying her, but then again, just because someone was happy in a relationship doesn't mean the other person was too.

It reminded me of Chris. I sighed. I didn't need to be thinking of him.

Once the cab driver stops at the front of the hospital, I mutter a quiet "thank you" before handing him the exact amount of money plus a tip before helping Jason out of the cab. I allow him to lean against me for support, stepping into the hospital.

"Sit here and wait for me while I check you in." I tell him, setting him down onto a chair. He grunts in reply, nodding in response.

I walk towards the front desk, letting the nurse know that Jason's nose may possibly be broken with a slight concussion. Surprisingly, she nods and motions for us to follow her. I help Jason to his feet before a nurse brings a wheelchair. I set him down and follow them past the double doors.

I glance around, biting my lower lip. I always hated hospitals. I never really did like the vibe of this place. It was meant to bring hope and life, but instead, it just brought death and misery.

"I'm going to place him into a room so that the next available nurse can check on him," the nurse says. I nod in response before my eyes catch a very familiar figure sitting on a hospital bed.

I clear my throat. I catch the number to his room before following the nurse. Once in the room, she sets Jason onto the bed and hooks him up to an IV to numb the pain.

At this moment, I didn't care about Jason. I didn't care about the main reason why I was here in the first place. All that mattered was the man in the other room, the man who was resting his eyes, the man who was in the hospital for whatever reason, the man who was right when he said I would fall in love with him.

Once I make sure Jason was okay, I tell him I was going to go to the bathroom. I leave his room and slowly walk to the other man's room. From the window, I see that he is staring at the television, looking miserable and sporting a faded yellow sweater.

It's now or never. Open the door.

With a heavy sigh, I slowly push the door open. When I look up to see him, I feel my heart leap out of my chest.

He was smiling.




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