Chapter Nine

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"I need all the information about Khushi. Her past, present, future. Everything Aman!!" Arnav had barked into his bluetooth headset.

"Is everything okay sir?" Aman asked

"Yes Aman, everything is fine. I need to know her background." Arnav said calmly.

"Is it because of what Sheetal has been telling you ASR?" Aman asked "She's a opportunist bitch ASR and you know that."


"ASR, Sheetal cannot affect you. I know she's your friend but Khushi is not the girl she's presenting her to be. Khushi would never take undue advantage of your and your family's love and affection." Aman said rather frantically.

"Aman.. listen to me stop ranting. I know Khushi, and I probably understand her more than you could ever do Aman Mathur. I would never harbour any negative thoughts about that girl. Where did Sheetal even come from?" Arnav asked surprised at his manager cum personal assistant's sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry ASR." Aman spoke quietly.

"It's okay." Arnav said calmly.

"I just don't get a good feeling out of this. Sheetal's attitude has always pricked me, and she's being overly difficult in Khushi's matter. I just didn't want you to misunderstand her." Aman said.

Arnav smiled, "I didn't know you'll grow so fond of her without even meeting her once, just on the basis of what I have been telling you." Arnav remarked amused.

"It's not just you. Anjali Di and Jija-ji have been speaking of her very fondly too." Aman informed him.

"I can believe you on that." Arnav said "Getting back to the reason I'd called you."

"Yes Arnav."

"Aman.. You remember I had once told you about my doll?" Arnav asked "My Khushi."

"Yes, I do remember. Shyam Jija-ji's sister. She had died in a car accident along with her parents years ago." Aman recalled all the details about the said Khushi he had gotten to hear from his boss cum best friend.

"Right. I don't think Aman that she's dead. I think Khushi is alive, My doll is alive and healthy and breathing." Arnav said softly


"Right in front of me." Arnav added, not noticing the way Aman's breath hitched in his throat.

"Wh--What-?" Aman gasped.

"I don't know Aman, I've been trying to shake this feeling off. I've been trying not to be hopeful but my heart doesn't seem to want to obey me." Arnav said chuckling slightly.

"I don't even know how to explain all of this to you Aman. I just know that she's very important to me.. More than anything and anyone else. She's the breath of my life Aman and I.. I believe that She's My Khushi.. My doll." Arnav said firmly.

Aman sighed at the other end of the call. "Will these feelings remain, even if she isn't your doll?" He asked

"Of course Aman!" Arnav answered without missing a beat. "She will still be Khushi, She will still be the same chirpy crazy butterfly that she is."

Aman smiled.

"You'll have it on your table in the next 2 days." Aman said, referring to the information he had asked for. "I'll pray.. with all my heart that you get your doll back."

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