Who The Hell Would Say That To A Girl?

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~Andy's POV~

"Andy, your phone is ringing." I am shoved by Hope and I thud onto the ground.

"Okay, okay, no need to push me off of the bed." I grab my phone and check the time. It's noon.

"Hello?" I answer, quite groggily.

"Did I wake youu up?" Why can't I place this voice with a name?

"No. Getting shoved off of my bunk by my girlfriend is what woke me up. It happened because you called. So, what's up?" I hear giggles. "Is someone else there?"

"Sorry, Jonnie's being an ass right now." Wait.. what?

"Who the hell is Jonnie?" Oh wait... this is Bryan Stars calling. He lives with a kid named Jonnie... possibly.

"My friend who's annoying as fuck. I called because I was wondering if we could do another interview while you are in Nebraska for your tour in a few days...?" Oh yeah, our tour is starting tonight and we released our album yesterday.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll check with Jon. And sorry for the tiredness, we were out late celebrating. Wait, some of us were kept awake due to others partying all night." Hope and I had retreated to the bunk room when the alcohol was brought out.

"Oh. And congrats with the album. I bought it, and it's insane! Nice job, man." I forgot that Bryan is sometimes really genuine and sweet.

"Thanks. That means a lot. So, yeah, I'll talk to Jon and check what night we have a lot of time before hand to do an interview." We say goodby and then hang up.

"Hope, come on. Let's get breakfast." I grab her hand and we walk out into the main area.

"Were you two having sex?"

"Shut up CC."

"What's with the messy hair and the loud banging noise?" Uggghhhhh!!!

"We were kept up by you guys. I got pushed out of bed when my phone wouldn't shut up. Speaking of which, have you guys seen Jon?" I need to ask him about the interview.

"He went to get us all donuts. He should be back soon though." Jinxx spoke up.

"Okay." I nod and grab my cigarettes and lighter.

I walk off of the bus and light up.

"Hey. Who was on the phone a few minutes ago?" Hope asks as she walks over to me. There is something off. She's acting strange.

"It was Bryan Stars. He was asking if we were open to doing another interview when we do the few shows in Nebraska. That's why I needed to talk to Jon." She just nods. "So, why'd you follow me out here?"

"I got a text from my friend, the one who works for me and is looking after my shop." She pauses.

"Did something happen?" I see tears start to form in her eyes.

"She texted me saying that a call was made to the shop earlier this morning and it was my mom. My dad..." She starts to bawl, and I bring her in for a hug. Her voice is barely audible when she finishes speaking. "He had a heart attack. They took him in to have surgery last night... and he never came out."

"Oh my god, Hope, I'm so sorry!" She buries her head in my chest and wraps her arms around me. "It's okay to cry. He's in a better place now, though."

"She said that my mom told her the funeral is in two weeks. I can't not go. He's my dad." I understand what she's saying.

"Hope, we can work something out so you can still come on the tour with us. Maybe you can be with us for the first few shows in California, but then stay home until the funeral, and fly out to wherever we are afterwards." It's an idea, but I'm not too fond of the part where she'd have to be alone for about two weeks.

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