The Picnic

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~Hope's POV~

The next morning, I wake up to the sizzling sound and fatty smell of bacon. When I walk into the kitchen, I find Andy preparing breakfast. The only thing is, he didn't stay the night again, and all of my windows and doors were locked.

"How did you get in my house?" He turns around and has a large grin plastered on his face.

"That is not important. What IS important is that we have a picnic to attend in 4 hours, and you just woke up. So, being the great person I am, I came inside and made you breakfast." I still want to know how he got in. "But I know you won't say another word unless I told you how I got in, so here it is: You don't hide spare keys very well."

"You snooped for the spare key... Classic. I guess I have to do a better job of hiding it so I am not awoken by possible insane people breaking in and making bacon, which I didn't even know I had." I never buy bacon unless I know there will be guests.

"I bought bacon and donuts. And sanity is best judged by those who lack it, so you are either insane as well, or you are not a very good judge of character." Andy was very light-hearted this morning. I like it.

"Aren't we all a little mad here?" I was now partly quoting my favorite movie, Alice In Wonderland.

"Indeed we are. Now, eat up." I guess I am insane because I didn't question him any farther about why he is here or why he thinks it is okay to barge into my house, uninvited, and make breakfast.

So, I just grab a plate, a donut, and some very crispy bacon, and dig in.

"You know, I miss having breakfast with you. So many fond memories." Of course he would bring it up.

"And if you keep this up, I'm guessing there will be more." I was referring to him breaking in.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" What.

"Uh... What do you mean, go on a date?" Why was he asking me this.

"I would love to take you out to dinner and a movie. Obviously not today because of the picnic, but how about tomorrow?" I hate myself. Why did I think he wouldn't do this? I know I still like him, and this proves that he likes me, but I was hoping I'd have more time before we did this.

"Tomorrow, I have a meeting and work, then for the next three days after tomorrow, I have work, but Friday, I am free. Saturday, however, I have to fly to Chicago to meet with Instruments of the Troubled because I promised to help out with the charity even they are holding. But Friday, I'm all yours." I was greatful for having to leave early on Saturday because then he wouldn't be tempted to try anything.

"And Saturday is when I have to go to the studio with the guys for a full day of recording snd then recording for the next few weeks after that until we finish this record. Then we are filming for something I can't tell you about-" I cut him off because I do, in fact, know what he is talking about.

"You are making a movie to go along with your record. Juliet told me. She said you asked her to be a guest on your record and then be in the video for that song. It'll be really cool." I was excited to find out they were making a movie.

"Maybe you'd like to come by the set when we start making it. Or better yet, put your art skills to use and help with the set. I'm sure the crew would love to have you help out." I didn't know what to say.

"I'll have to think about that." I am such an ass. "I'm going to get dressed." I zoom to my room and flop onto my bed. I'm such an idiot!

~Andy's POV~

I watch Hope speed off to her bedroom. I think I might have come on too strong... Fuck.

"What time are they coming again?" I see her walk out in a dark grey short sleeved shirt and dark jeans.

The Secret's Demise (sequel to Revealed Secrets)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя