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**** Dedicated to @musiclover38 because I don't want to lose you. You're too important to lose. ****

~Hope's POV~

I know I told Andy that it was okay to let go, but I don't want him to. I can lose him, he's my best friend. I've loved him forever and losing him will kill me.

I keep a tight grip on his hand. It's like, if I let go, I'm letting go of him and he'll just be gone, but if I hold on, he will stay here and live.

"I love you, Andy. I love you." I kiss him, possibly for the last time, and I release his hand, stand up, and walk out of the room.

I end up running past the waiting room and out to my car. I can't stay here. I can't stay and watch while he dies.

I drive back to Andy's house. I walk in and slam the door behind me. I bolt to the bathroom and I feel like I'm going to be sick. I throw the soaps and bottles across the room. I scream out and it's like I know someone followed me home. I dig through the drawer of my stuff and burried at the way back is the bag of razors I have kept all of this time.

It has been forever since this has happened. About a year since the last cut I made on my body.

I hear frantic knocking coming from the front door. I don't know what will happen. I put away the blades but continue throwing things and screaming.

"Hope!!!" It's CC and Jinxx. "Hope, where are you?"

I tear the shower curtain off the rod and yell out about how stupid I was to think things could ever be the same.

Jinxx and CC hear my yelling and shouting. They bust the bathroom door open and I throw the shampoo at them.

I am crying, yelling, having a panic attack about everything and nothing.

"Hope, calm down. Hope. Please." Jinxx tries to reason with me. But I'm too far in my mind that my thoughts drown out everything else.

They both grab me and try to stop me from throwing things.

Jinxx wraps his arms around me, restraining me from moving. CC is on the phone, I'm guessing with the hospital.

An ambulance is there within the next ten minutes and something was injected into me. It made it so I couldn't fight back or move. I was restained on the bed and put in the ambulance with Jinxx by my side.

~Jinxx's POV~

Hope is in Andy's room, but then she runs through the halls and out to the parking lot.

The nurse said that two of us should follow her. She assured that Andy hadn't died, so it was something with Hope.

"CC, come on." We both run after her and go to Andy's house.

"How do you know she's going there?" CC asks as I drive.

"Where else can she go?" He nods and when we pull up, her car is there.

We walk up to the front door and knock. She doesn't answer.

"What was that noise?" CC pressed his ear to the door. I do the same and sure enough, I hear a scream and a bang.

I twist the door knob and it opens. We run inside, yelling her name. Then, another scream and more crashing.

We run to their room and the sounds are coming from the bathroom.

"Hope, calm down. Hope. Please." It's as if she can't hear me.

CC and I grab her and I restrain her and hold her in my arms while CC calls for an ambulance.

The Secret's Demise (sequel to Revealed Secrets)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt