CC's Shocking News and Ashley's Little Secret

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~Hope's POV~

"Eh, I trust you. And Hope?" Andy has a nervous look on his face.

"What is it?" I sit up and scoot closer to him.

He turns to me and looks me in the eyes. "Hope, I still have feelings for you. Being away from you made me realise how much I screwed up and I guess what I'm asking is... Could we try us again?"

I am in shock. I just stare at him in the growing silence. He wanted to be together again and he was willing to give our relationship another shot.

"I think this might sound crazy, but I still have feelings for you, too. And I am willing to give us another shot if you are. But Andy, could we maybe start trying us after I get back from Chicago? I have to have a clear mind so I can focus on the charity event. But when I get back, we can take a second chance." I really hope he understands.

"I completely get it. Now, I think I heard the car pull up. I'm going to go get a drink." With that, he walks into the kitchen and I meet the guys at the door.

"Hope!" CC came barging in.

"Hey! Nice to see you again." Next was Jake.

"Sup? Been a while, Hope." And then Jinxx came in, being sarcastic since I saw him like, two days ago.

"Waz up?! I missed that pretty little face of yours! Gimme some love!" And they were all followed by Ashley. He came in for a hug and I just went with it.

"Hey guys. It's so nice to see you all at once. Andy is in the kitchen getting a drink. We had lunch with my neighbors." They didn't know about Andy's dad being my neighbor, but they were about to find out.

"Hey guys. I heard Hope mention lunch with the people next door. But you'll never guess who lives there." The guys guess things like Scout, Andy's ex that they all hated, Juliet was mentioned, but she still lived in the same house since I lived with her a year ago, and then CC guessed Batman, so we all laughed.

"Just tell us." Ashley demands.

Andy walks over and sits on the couch. He takes a large drink from his glass and then spills it. "My father live there with his new wife and their daughter. They've been together for about 7-8 years. Their daughter looks exactly like me, and he seems to have changed, even though I don't believe it 100%."

"Your father? The one who beat you and caused your real mom and sister to leave? The one who acted better for a while, but then got worse?" Ashley was the only one to speak. The others were too shocked.

"Yep." Andy just takes another gulp of his beverage.

"So, I hear you have news, CC. What is so important?" I speak up since no one else will.

"Oh right! So, you guys all know Blaze?" I hadn't known they were still together.

"Wait, you two are still dating?" I remember when we first met her. Andy had ran away from a fight, he got lost in a storm, and showed up on some girl's doorstep. She took him in until the stormed cleared enough for someone to get him. We all went back to mine and Andy's house and played truth or dare. Blaze and CC ended up dating. And apparently, they've been together for the almost 3 years it's been.

"Yes, we are. And we are really serious. Guys, I think she is the one." CC had a look of pure love in his eyes.

"You think she's 'the one'?" Ashley's mouth was hanging open in shock. I guess he wasn't too keen on the idea of marriage.

"I want to ask her to marry me." He had a huge smile on his face and so did all of the guys, excluding Ashley. I help my hand over his mouth to keep him from saying anything rude.

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