Chapter Eight

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Since today was the last day of play for the game, Bea was disappointed that Gavin and her couldn't get lunch. Now possibly Bea wouldn't see him until the boxing day test. The thought of that was awful. It has only been a week, but she had never felt like this before, and Bea had a feeling that he was feeling the same way. 

Bea walked back to where her Mum and Dad were sitting looking a bit down. 

'Anything wrong, sweetheart?' Mum asks, turning away from the lady she has made friends with throughout the match. 

'Oh, nothing I was just off in my thoughts.' Bea replied, smiling, trying to change where this conversation was going. She didn't need her Mum worrying, especially cause there was nothing she could do about it. 

Bea's head was in a different place for the rest of the day. She was hoping that somehow she would find a way to see Gavin again. 

The rest of the day passed, and Australia came out victorious.

By the time Mum, Dad and Bea returned to the hotel; she had a message from Dan asking Bea to join him in celebrating with the team tonight. 

Bea thought she might as well join the team and Dan as she hadn't heard from Gavin. Beatrice suspected he was taking the loss a bit hard. The last thing he would want is an Australian's company at the moment, let alone an Australian cricketer's sister. If this was how he was feeling after one loss, imagine years down the track. Bea needed to stop herself. She reminded herself not to get her hopes up like that. Not again.

After packing up all her belongings into the suitcase, she got ready for the last night in Brisbane. Bea decided to wear a short, tight pink and white flowery dress with my trusty brown sandals. Her phone buzzed loudly; Dan was downstairs in an uber. She quickly arrived in the foyer and got into the car. Bea could tell that Dan and his mates had been drinking since they entered the changerooms that afternoon. 

'AYYYYYY, ITS BEA!' Will yelled loudly, obviously, he was over whatever embarrassment she had caused him the other day.

'Hey sis, are you ready?' Dan says from the front seat of the car. 

'Uh, sure, where are we going?' She asked innocently; Bea had no idea how she was going to catch up with this lot, she didn't even know if she wanted to. 

'To the pub, our pub!' The other guy in the car, James chimes in even louder.

Oh dear, Beatrice thought, back to where it all started.

Once they arrived at the pub, the boys all piled out of the car, and Bea followed them inside. It was packed, even more so than the other night when they were here. 

Once the group of them found the rest of the team, they erupted with cheers, and the clinks of glasses followed. After a few drinks, Bea began to feel a bit more comfortable but was very aware of the fact that she was very truthful when drinking alcohol so had to be careful that she didn't tell Dan or anyone else anything she shouldn't. 

Bea was constantly checking her phone to see if Gavin had sent a message, or even been active. Nothing. Bea needed to remind herself not to get too attached and to live in the moment; this wasn't serious yet, they had only kissed once or twice.

One of the girlfriends of the players, Rosie, had noticed Bea was looking a bit put out.

'Who's the boy?' Rosie says, sliding over closer to her.

'Uh, no boy, I swear' Bea said feeling her cheeks turn red.

'Sure there's not, but I know that look, I had it when this one over here wouldn't message me back.' She gestures to Travis with an accusing look which he answers with a questioning look.

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