Chapter Three

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After a week and a half of full family mode, Dan and Bea were ready to go out and take on the Brisbane nightlife. Days at the beach, shopping and going to theme parks with their cousins had their perks. It was a lot of fun but they wanted to go out and have some adult fun. Of course, since Dan was under watch due to cricket he wasn't able to drink, but Bea was. They were invited out by some of Dan's teammates, Bea thought was strange that they invited her as well. 

So that brings us to now, Bea was standing in front of the mirror in the hotel room trying to decide whether she wanted to wear this current outfit tonight. She had on a white skirt, a burgundy top with long sleeves. Her hair was down and parted to the side, she had kept her makeup was simple. Due to all the time, they had spent outside in the past week she was now sporting a naturally darker tan. 

After rummaging through her clothes again, she just decided to just go with the outfit she already had on. Bea goes over to the bed and sits down to put on a pair of brown sandals. Over on the bedside table, her phone vibrates. She reaches over and sees that Dan is ready and waiting in the corridor. Bea quickly gathers her wallet, phone and other essentials and places them in a brown leather cross-body bag. 

As she goes to walk out the door, there's hear a knock on the door. Bea opens it and is confronted with a frustrated Dan. 

'Why do you take so long?' He says as his sister closes the door.

'I wasn't even a minute?' Bea says matching his whinging tone.

'Oh right. A minute.' He says making quotation marks with his fingers. 

'Well, this night is already off to a fantastic start.' Bea starts walking down the hallway towards the elevator.

They arrive at the pub half an hour later, the traffic was terrible. The taxi ended up costing a bucketload. Suddenly Bea wasn't as keen to drink as she was before. She also remembered the piles of shopping bags in her hotel room and student debt hanging over her head.

'What do you want?' Dan says standing at the bar. 

'You're shouting?' Bea replies surprised. Dan has never shouted her a drink before.

'Might as well with the salary I'm on now.' Dan says ordering with his customary smirk.

'Well, in that case, I will have a CC Dry with lime in it.' She responds taking a seat at the bar.

'You don't change, Bea.' Dan replies before turning to the man behind the bar and orders the drinks. They grab our drinks and head out to the beer garden.

A couple hours later, Bea and Dan were surrounded by a bunch of cricket players and drunk girls trying to hook up with them. Out of the corner of her eye, Bea noticed a new group of guys walking into the beer garden. She recognised one of them as the captain of the England cricket team.

'Shit.' She says aloud by mistake drawing the boys attention to where her eyes were looking.

'They have some nerve showing up here. This is our pub in Brissie.' One of the guys says standing up and starting to walk over to them. The rest of them follow including Dan.

Bea looks back over at the girls who were left behind. They look so confused and heartbroken.

She glanced back over at the boys again and sees them confronting the English team. Bea watches as things start to get physical. She rushes over, pushing her way through the crowd and places herself in between Dan and one of the English blokes.

'Seriously Dan? You are going to get yourself in trouble before you even debut?' Bea states angrily and loud enough for Dan and everyone else to hear, which causes all the attention to turn towards her. 

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