Mocha and blueberry muffin

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You stopped what you were doing and looked up.
"Har-Harrison what's up?" Your heart started to march. The idea of Harrison knowing you robbed a bank kept coming into your mind.
"What the hell were you thinking? Huh?" His voice stern. 
"Um, I-" 
"I can't believe you just left without telling me. I was worried sick about you. I couldn't find you anywhere. A guy from your work told me you were taking some sort of vacation?"
You sighed in relief, swallowed the fear in your throat and replied, "Yeah, Sorry about that. Guess I was just exited about taking a break from work." You nodded to yourself.
"Where are you."
"Oh in New York.." There was a pause. 

"Hm. I thought you didn't like New York. You said it was too much-"
"Yeah well I'm actually kinda liking it here more.." you interrupted him.
The other line was quiet. All you could hear was the sound of tires on the road. "Harrison?"
"Honestly Y/n." Harrison began, you heard him chuckle and you imagine him holding the phone to his ear and the other on the wheel. 

"I can't believe you're in AK's gang. Seriously are you that stupid. What the hell were you thinking? I know you were the get away drive-" he get listing what you've done & everything went silent. You mind silenced all the noise around you. 

"This isn't you."  In that moment it just hit all at once how you felt about this situation. You felt horrible. Dissapointment. Having your big brother who is successful, the favorite tell you the wrong you're doing.

 You held onto the chair to keep from falling.

"Um Harrison I can explain." You vomited out words not knowing what to say.
"Okay explain then."
"I-" you choked. You couldn't find any words.
"That's what I thought. I'm heading over to pick you up." He hung up.

You stared at the floor. You thought about all the bad things that would happen if people found out what you did. Your mom & dad. 
A hand touched your shoulder and brought you back to reality.
"You alright love?" Toms eyes worried. "Who was that?" He grabbed you hand & held it intertwined with his. 

"It was my brother. He knows.." You barely spoke. The sharp pain of holding back tears.
"Knows what love?"
"We robbed the bank."
Tom loosened his hand around you. You turned to face him. His lips parted. Shut to a straight concerned face. He stood up & walked over to the living room. 

The silence of him killed you. 

"Tom say something. I- I dont know how he knows in the first place.." The tears started to stream. "I- he wouldnt te-"

Tom walked over, "Hey, hey." Tom put his hands on your shoulders. "You're fine. Okay." He reassured you.He looked calm but there was a frown to his expressions. He hugged you lightly and kissed your cheek. You looked at him and leaned to kiss him but a knock at the door stopped you.

"I'll get it." You rushed over to the door and opened it; Harrison was standing there eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh heyyy." You gave a weak laugh & smiled. 
"Let's go." Harrison grabbed your arm and walked you outside.
"Wait hey hold on you're not the boss of me. You don't get to tell me what to do." You stopped him & pulled you arm away.
"Well I know that you're not suppose to rob a bank. Now get in the car."
"Stop." Tom said from inside. He walked outside and approached you two.
"Harrison." Tom said.
"Of course he's here." Harrison muttered under his breath looking the other way.
"Hey what's the beef between you two?" You asked. They didn't say anything, just looked away. You frowned and looked at Tom.
"Y/n there's something I need to tell you-"
"Hey it's not your story to tell. Let's go." Harrison was mad.
"No she's staying with me." Tom grabbed your free hand with his.
"She's coming with me. Period." Harrison said through his teeth. You were between two angry british boys, both had a hold of you. It was like they were in a movie and it's the part where the camera zooms into their eyes. And there's dramatic music in the background. They started to argue but you've had enough.
"Will you two just stop!" You yelled over them. They stopped talking and stared at you. Harrison let go of your arm. Tom squeezes your hand and pulled you closer to him. His skin was warm against yours. "Huh seems like she likes me better." Tom chuckled. Harrison shook his head and mouthed 'you're in trouble' and he nodded over to you.
And yes he was right what Tom just said infuriated you. "What the hell. You both don't get to decide who I like and definitely don't tell me what to do and both of you don't fucking own me." You let go of Toms hand and walked inside. You looked around for the keys to the car and you spotted them in Toms room. Anger flushed you cheeks. You quickly grabbed them and put on a hoodie over your shirt and slipped on your shoes and ran outside past the boys.

"Y/n hey wait I didn't mean it like tha-"
You ignored him and sat inside the car. You locked the doors and started the engine. Tom &  Harrison followed. Tom ran up to the door you closed seconds before you locked it. 
"I'm sorry." Toms voice was muffled. You glanced over at Harrison. He looked at you and his face said it all.
You made a mistake.

You followed the straight rode ahead of you. You didn't really know where you were going. You just had to get away from Tom and Harrison fighting. The wake up call you just had with a phone call. All seemed like a scary dream, wishing that everything before was a dream. You'll wake up not knowing Tom. The thought of that made you sadder. 

Your mind started to think about how they know each other. And how Harrison knew about AK and the gang.
The road lead you to a small town. There was a few people outside enjoying the sun. You turned right into a coffee shop. As you parked another car parked to the right of you.
"Shit." You left your phone and wallet back at the house. You looked in the back to see if some change escaped one of the bags. Nothing. You hopped out of the car and opened the trunk. A 20 dollar bill was in the corner and you grabbed it and headed inside the cafe.
It smelled of dark coffee and cookies that just came out of the oven. The person behind the counter smiled at you and you smiled back. As you read the menu someone from behind you said, " Can't decide what to get?" He was a young lad with dirty blonde hair and a little bit taller than you. He was wearing a black shirt tucked in his jeans.
"Yeah there's a lot of options to get." You smiled "what do you usually get?" You asked?
"Well today's a Wednesday so I get a dark chocolate mocha with a blueberry muffin." He said.
"Hmm I'll guess I'll get that then." You walked up to the counter and ordered.
"Hey make that two." He said from behind you. His hand appeared and he handed his card over to the person.
"Oh thank you. You didn't have to do that."
"It's my pleasure. You're new here. Might as well help you."
You smiled at your shoes confused.
"My names Tyler." He offered you his hand. You looked at his hand waiting looked back at him smiling eager. Hesitantly you weakly shook his hand. 
"Nice to meet you Tyler.."
"It's nice to meet you. So what brings you to this small town?"

"Oh just on a road trip." You were gonna add more but the sound of a bell stopped you. You order was ready. 
"Well I should get going. Thank you for paying."

You walked towards the door but a lady stood in front of the way.

"Excuse me." You said politely but she didn't budge.
You looked around to see if anyone else was seeing this but no one was in the cafe. Just you, the lady, Tyler, and the person behind the counter.
"Um-" you were cut off by Tyler,
"Oh hey I think you left your 20 dollar bill that you stole from the bank, 


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