The party

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You hadn't meant to get drunk at your step brothers party, you didn't even plan to drink at all. Leo handed you a drink right when he saw you enter the building.He handed you more through out the night. Harrison approached you when he saw you get another drink from the table.
"Woah there. Nope you've drank enough." "Harrison," you laughed," come on just one more. Pleeaaseee." You pouted.
Harrison rolled his eyes. "No. How about you have some water." He said pouring water into a cup and handed it to you,"Stay hydrated." "Fine." You grabbed the cup and took a sip. "Go on now." He scooted you away from the drinks and you walked over to the living room. The noise of people talking and music in the background made your head throb.You walked up stairs and entered the bathroom only to be greeted by a guy taking a piss.
"Oh shi-" you turned around and covered your eyes. You heard him zip his pants.
"I am so sorry I- I had no idea you were in here. I should have knocked."You felt your cheeks go hot.
"No it was my fault for not locking the door.Don't need to apologize."He said.He was English. Probably one of Harrison friends from home.
"Can I um-turn around?"You asked without thinking about it. You heard him snicker.
"Yeah you can turn around." You turned around and saw a man with curly brown hair wearing a type of caramel color leather jacket.He stared at you with a smug smile.
"Um- you're really cute and I um I'm very drunk right now." You blabbered to yourself. "But um if I didn't have to go pee really bad right now I would definitely make out with you," You saw his cheek turn a shade of pink. He looked down at his shoes then back up at you,
"but you know... I have to go-," you motioned toward the toilet.
He laughed,"Yes right I'll leave you to it." He walked over to the sink and washed his hands. As he walked passed you he whispered in your ear,"I'm looking forward to kissing you."
His breathe hit your neck sending a chill down your spine. Youre mouth smiled & you shut the door behind you not able to wipe off your smile from ear to ear.
You were done using the bathroom and walked out. You looked to your right then left; no cute guy to be seen. You headed downstairs to look for him. A few people have left the party and it wasn't so loud anymore, but voices and laughter was in the air. You looked at the clock on the wall  12:43am. You walked over to the couch and sat down.You're head felt light and you closed your eyes making the buzz in your head quite down. You felt a weight to your left. You looked over to see the cute guy smiling at you.
"Hi." You said & closed your eyes again.
"Hey." He replied shifting in the couch turning his body towards you;getting comfy.
"Ummm soo are we.. ganna make ou-" you jokingly said.
"Love you're drunk. You don't want to regret anything."
You frowned eyes still closed. You were too drunk to care that he rejected you but you kept on talking.
"What- why would I regret kissing you?" You finally opened you're eyes. He had his head resting on his right arm leaning on the head of the couch looking at you. His eyes smiling like this mouth.
"Come on lets get you to your hotel." He stood up & lended out his hand.
"How do you know I'm staying at a hotel?" You asked.
"I'm friends with your step brother."
"Oh cool he has a lot of friends."
He took your hand and lead you to the door.

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