The 1st Date

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The next day was here and you were already at work. Today seemed to past by fast. Chicago decided today it was going to shine with the sun up in the sky with its beautiful clouds swimming in the light blue. You walked out to the fresh air and headed home. Your mind couldn't stop thinking where Tom would take you.
As you arrived home no one was there. So you took the chance to take a shower and wear something more comfortable than your work outfit. A knock made you run for the door. " Madame." Tom bowed down. You giggled and told him to come in.
"Where are we going?" You pouted at Tom. He smirked and put his index finger to his lips. "It's a secret."
"Come on Tommy."
"I'm not goin-"
"No I mean let's get going. I wanna know where your taking me."
Tom drove past a few building. He headed out of town.
"Where are we going?" You asked over and over again. Tom chuckled and turned right onto a dirt road. The moon was up in the sky shining away the darkness. Trees dance with the soft wind. You rolled down the window to feel the fresh breeze touch your face. You hair dance with the wind.
The car jolted to a stop. We were surround by trees.
"Um?" You looked over at Tom. He smiled in reply and got out of the car. He ran over to your side and opened your door as he bowed down offering his arm. You hooked your arm to his and laughed. "A date in the woods?"
"Well not really. I mean.. just wait and see."
"Ugh all these surprises." You whined.
"Do you trust me?" Tom let go of you. You nodded. He put his hands over your eyes and you both started walking. After a few minutes you felt the same slow breeze fly across.
"Okay." Tom let go bringing back your sight. You opened your eyes to a view of Chicago. The dark sky making the buildings lights pop out. The view also came with a small white blanket draped over the grass. Lights around the blanket with a petite table holding food and two drinks. A vase of small flowers sat in the middle.
You opened your mouth then closed it.
You laughed. "Tom this is... how? When did you have time to do all... this view is gorgeous!" You said.
"It is isn't it." Tom walked closer to the picnic. "Come on." He waved his hand over. You sat down on the blanket which was surprisingly soft. Tom turned around and grabbed a backpack and pulled out some candles. He lit them up adding more light to our view.
"This is amazing Tom." You shined.
"Would this be bad timing to say the only thing I see here that's gorgeous is you." The corner of his lips curved.
You shook your head and couldn't help smiling like an idiot.
"Alright." Tom clapped his hands. "Do you like spaghetti?"
"Wow your really going out with this whole romantic date. And yes I love spaghetti. Actually my dads Italian and he makes the best spaghetti ever."
"I hope my spaghetti is good."
"I'm sure it'll tase amazing."
He set a plate on the table with a small hill of spaghetti. He served himself some as well.
That night you both talked nonstop. Laughed until you couldn't breathe and smiled until your cheeks started hurting. You ended up laying down, head on Toms chest looking up at the sky one leg over his lap. Tom had his arm around you running his arm up and down your back slipping his hand beneath her shirt exposing your skin with his fingers. The feeling of his hands running around your body was so overwhelming you thought you could just fall asleep right then and there.
"Y/n?" Tom broke the silence. "Yeah." Your voice sounded sleepy.
"You tired."
"No." You lied.
"Sounds like your falling asleep." He laughed a small laugh. You could here his heart beat. His chest move while he breathed. His hand climbed up to your shoulder stopped around your bra strap but then keep going up. Playing with your hair sending chills down your body.
"A few minutes more and then we can leave." You closed your eyes and drank up this moment. The feeling of his hand in your hair.
"Okay." Tom whispered.

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