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You got out of the shower first. Your clothes were all over the shower soaking wet. You stole Toms towel and ran off to your room. The alarm clock on your night stand read; 11:07am.
You dressed into a pair of black shorts and put yourself in an oversized red hoodie. "Y/n! You stole my towel!" Tom shouted through the hallway. You walked over to the small laundry room next to the bathroom and opened the white doors. Two towels laid on top of the washer.
"Hi." Toms voice said from behind. His hands placed on your waist and he rested his chin on your shoulder.
"Oh! Tom your soaking wet!" You tried to get out of his hold but he held you tight.
"That's not what you said in the shower."
Tom spoke against your neck leaving a kiss. Your face flushed in warmth.
"Here's your towel."Tom grabbed it and dried his wet hair.
"Thank you." Tom walked into the bathroom disappearing. You glanced at his muscular back and spotted a scar on his shoulder.
Someone knocked on the door. You walked over and opened it.
"Hey." AK was leaning against the door frame, with a to-go bag in his hand.
"Um hi- how do you know where I live?" You stared at him. His eyes were a dark green. Eyelashes a girl would kill for. His jaw had stubbles of beard hair and his was blonde hair pushed back.
"Where's Little Boy?" He ignored your question and looked past you. You got into his view, "you didn't answer my question."
"You didn't answer my question." AK smiled. "Seriously I need to talk to him."
"Yeah what do you need?" Tom stood behind and wrapped his arm around you. AK opened his mouth but shut it.
Then he spoke, "We need to prepare and make plans." Tom didn't say anything. "Alone Little Boy." AK sounded irritated.
"Come on AK let's just talk here.. if that's fine by you." Tom was now looking at you.
"Um... yeah sure. Yeah come in." You moved out of the way and walked over to your kitchen. The boys made their way over to the small round dining table near the window. AK set down the food and started to eat it. Tom joined as well.
You opened the fridge and heard them talk to themselves.
You grabbed a beer and popped it open.
When you looked up and closed the door Tom and AK were both looking at you.
"What?" You broke into the weird silence between each other.
"Um why are you drinking?" Tom tilted his head.
"Can I not?" You said.
"I mean it's never a wrong time to drink a beer." AK nodded at the beer. "May I have one?" You tossed him a beer and he caught it with both hands.
"You want one Tom?" You saw AK flinch when you said his name.
"No I'm good." He returned back to his food and spoke to AK. You joined them by the table. AK suddenly laughed out loud.
"Hold up did you guys," he pointed at Tom then you "ya know have the dirty?" He smirked and looked you up and down.
If you could you would slap that stupid grin off his face right now.
"That's really non of your business." You looked into his green eyes.
"Damn Little Boy you got yourself a good one." AK chuckled and ate a fry.
You curled your hand into a fist.
"Shut up AK." Tom took a bite out of his burger. He nudged you with his elbow and offered you a fry. You took it and ate it.
"Oh my it was in the shower." AK raised his eyebrows.
You took a chug of the beer and walked over to the window and opened it.
"What are you do-"
You hopped down and sat on the deck. You heard Tom laugh.
"What the hell?" You looked up and saw AK fear in his face but smiling.
"You're crazy."
"Yeah I know." You took another swing of the beer.
"Hey Tom let's talk down here." AK joined you and sat in the left corner. Tom sat next to you and brought his food.
You curled next to his arm and looked at the city in front of you.
"So y/n." AK said. He was looking down at his shoes and took a sip from his beer.
"Little Boy wants, well he wants me to ask you something." He picked something off his shoe.
You looked over at Tom who was looking at you smiling. Oh dear god what is he going to ask?
"What is it?" You asked Tom. Tom looked over at AK. He was looking right at you no expression on his face.
"Join our group."
"W- what?" You said it harsher than you intended too.
"We know what you can do and you have insight on the other side."
You opened your mouth to speak but failed. Tom was smiling wide.
"What do you mean 'you know what I can do and you have insight on the other side?"
AK sighed and set his beer down.
"Your brother is part of the other side. Back street boys. Harrison was part of our small group. But then he turned on us. Sold us out. We want to get revenge on him."
"Revenge. We want me to help you hurt my brother?" You couldn't breathe.
"No not hurt him just get a few things from him."
"Oh and what is that?"
"Money. The money he stole from us."
You couldn't find words.
"You can join out group you can become one of us. We've been.. well I've been assigned to watch you- oh jeez that sounds so creepy but I've seen how you stand up for yourself and you know these streets better than us. Oh and you know New York City like the back of your hand.
And I've seen you drive." Tom was glowing.
"What are you taking about Tom?"
"Remember in New York you took your brothers car and you started to speed. And a cop was chasing after you.
You- you lost the police just like that. Like it was nothing. We need a get away driver."
"I- I don't know if I can-" you felt your heart skip beats. The air felt colder now.
"Tom this is crazy. You're asking me to join your little gang of crime."
"You don't have to decide now. We'll give you some time." Tom stood up and went inside. AK looked at you and nodded.
"See ya later kid." AK went after Tom.
The rest of the day you sat on the deck. You mind thinking things over and over again.
You've always dreamt about being in a cool movie about car chasing. Breaking into a bank and getting loads of cash.
You never thought you would be offered a chance to actually, in real life to be a criminal. You walked inside and laid on the couch. You picked up the phone and called Tom. "Hello?" Tom answered.
"I'm in."

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