Rainy Mornings

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The sound of tapping woke you from your sleep. You opened your eyes to see it was raining outside. A sound from the kitchen startled you. You sat up to see Tom wasn't next to you. You hopped of the bed went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth. When you were done you walked down the hallway into the living room, Tom in the kitchen making pancakes with a mug in his hand. He was shirtless showing off his chiseled body.
You coughed and Tom looked up at you. His smiled appeared. "Morning."
"Morning. I see your making pancakes." You walked over to the kitchen and sat down on the stool. "Yup. Do you like pancakes?"
"Yes I do."
"Okay good. Here this one is ready." He handed you a plate. "Would you like some coffee?"
"Yes please."
Tom turned around and started the coffee machine.
"I thought you had to go somewhere?"
You said while you ate a piece of pancake.
"Well I don't have to go right this second."
"Hmm. Okay."
The coffee machine beeped. Tom put the mug on the counter.
"So where do you have to go later?"
Tom licked his lips. "Business." He sipped his coffee.
"What kind?" You asked.
"Um I sell things." Tom smiled at you awkwardly.
"Like cars?"
"No I sell art."
"I know its boring."
"No no I don't think it's boring I think that's  nice selling art."
"Really?" Tom frowned.
"Yeah. It's not boring to sell art. You get to see gorgeous art every time you work and I bet you make good money."
"I do." Tom smiled and drank his coffee.
You admired Tom standing in front of you, shirtless holding a mug, smiling at you. You glanced at his abs back to his brown eyes.
Tom smirked. "Did you just check me out?"
"Hey you're the one shirtless in my kitchen."
"Hey it was getting hot."
You laughed and look at the stove.
"Oh shit!" You quickly got off the stool.
"I'm going to be late for work." You ran to your room. Tom followed.
You rummage through your closet and changed clothes. Tom turned around as he saw you take off your shirt.
"I have to go." You said struggling to put your shoes on.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For making you be late to work."
"What? No Tom it's not your fault." You smiled.
"Come on let's go I'll drop you off at work."

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