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The glimps of the drawing on wall of a girl with bangs catch my eyes. while I am walking in the café. I am really scared what will happen with James. I look around to put up my balloons. I have 3 hours untill the party. He walks in and he looks nice, he is had a great uh sweater and a nice hair maybe, okay nope he doesn't. 'hey James' he smiles and opens his arms I give him a high five.... omg I gave a high five wtf Liza wtf. 'Do you need a hand with your balloons?'

I told him that I am good but he helps me anyways now standing on a chair I am almost done but I still feel so awkward. I sit down after it is done. He starts talking about how he likes working out. He got a good body, I agree but still ew no. 'okay I am going to take a walk so you stay here' I walk away he shouts just before I am out the door 'playing hard to get I see' ew I don't ever want to be with him.

I close the door behind me and sit on a chair outside only 8 minutes and then the guests will arrive. I close my eyes thinking about the stupid test at school and that now for six weeks I won't have any test because today was my last day. So I am hella lucky. I open my eyes and see Chealsey in the sun walking. I stand up and see her walking towards me. I see the tree behind her is already fully bloomed it is almost as beautiful as Chealsey.

'Hi' she gives me a hug and she says it back. I tell to sit next to me and I tell about that crazy bartender and how I hate him. 'Well at least he likes you back' 'Oh sorry I forgot about the crazy accident on scho' She told some guy that she liked for 3 months she wanted to go out with him. She really thought he would say yes. but ofcourse he didn't because his stupid ass hit her in face instead.

'omg I am just like him, I am just as bad I have to kiss him' Chels looked at me with that look in her eyes and probally hopes that says enough and shouldn't do that but I am not going to listen. I Storm in that café and walks towards him and put my lips against him and Slide my tongue at his tongue.

I feel he pushing me against me. I feel him trying to let me feel him. Oh sure as hell I do. I open eyes trying to see if he is done. Okay it is okay now stop please. Omg shoot Carry is in the corner. 'Oh hey Carry, didn't see you' she laughs 'yeah I noticed' I look at him walking away and sitting behind the bar. 'He is so hot' I smiled awkwardly because I didn't notice it. I wanted to kiss him again to see if maybe the third it will be all alright.

Just when I wanted to kiss him Chels said that My other friends aka my swim team and a few cousins were almost here. Chels is the only one who really had my back for forever. She told me 4 years ago she would always had my back when I told her about my weird past. She didn't lie.

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