Secret room

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'so how are you dealing with al this stuff' Roxy looks sweet and grabs my shoulder, I really like it and I just kinda black out of my thoughts. 'I know it is difficult, it always is' 'so, I am one of many' she bend her head down my neck and I was ready to turn my head around to kiss her, but then my brother had to ruin in.

'We have to go'. Did Chris really have to say this
now. I think there wasn't really a worse timing than this was. So I stand up and grab my glasses and hide my eyes with it. 'It isn't even sunny' 'shut up, Chris' I say angrily. 'I will come with you' Roxy says confindetly. Chris looks weird and confused at me so I do the body language of 'how am I supossed to know', but he agrees anyway. Chris leads us to a secret room it is black. Not the inside. Just the outside, it is all pitch black. It is nothing like the rest of this world. So I am going to open the door  I see a beautiful make-up room with little cats walkong around. 'OMG it is amazing'
I say or maybe scream while hugging Chris. Chris left me and Roxy alone and she starts to explain about everything, how this started and how my parents were involved. That I already learned this. That some would be a true one. everything. She told me all it and didn't understand a word.


I decided with Chris that I was gonna tell all the history and all the lifes that were spilled on magic. maybe also how badly I wanted her to kiss. Her magical lips would connect to mine and firework is about to explode. 'So you should know, In the beginning of everything there was the world of the flying. We wanted to walk so bad it was a dream until. Jess,  found a human and she got legs.' 'wait Chris' jess?' ' Yes, The human was scared of all of us and killed our rights and made us normal. Your parents are the reason we can breath in normal ways. 'wait Anna how old are you?' She looked shook. Okay I don't blame her. 'I am 17' I told her with no certain face. 'yes sure' 'okay I have been here several times. and yes I die but eventually I come back. 

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