The weird girl

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I always think when I am bored and from thinking comes overthinking. I think about the night my parents died. They just can't be alive, They let me see their bodies; I was three years old, so I can't remember much but it was terrifying.



It was silence and nobody answered the red walls gave away that blood was spilled. The plants in the room were dead.

The door was locked and it was dark, but light enough to see two death people lying on the floor.

A little girl named Liza ran as hard as she could but she couldn't open the doors. Her brother found an escaperoute. So he saved them

Flashback ends

'Here is your Cola' said the girl with dark hair 'eh uhm thank you I uh yeah' Wtf Did I say 'here is your beer' Chris drinks it like it is water. 'Are you okay, my dear' I notice I cry like a baby and my tears are streaming down my face. My eyes are red. 'Maybe, I don't know'. She gives me this warm look and I don't mind it.'

I notice she gave me cola, I hate cola. I silently drink my cola. She asked us to go upstairs. I can't take another sip from my cola so I look at Chris. He doesn't respond, I think it is gross and want to spit it out. Now I hate this hotel, iew. I said soda, she could've asked what kind of. I still drink it and It almost falls of the stairs because I was looking at the beautiful clothes of the girl.

I want to know her name but asking her is weird. I just focus on the white stairs. 'we're here!' 'what's your name?' omg we said it at the same time. this is so awkward I should omg wtf 'Roxy, as I was saying' 'Roxy wow what a wonderful name i guess oh sorry' Roxy winks at me I feel myself burning up. She tels about how my whole ecxistence is a lie.

Wow no sh*t. She tells more and more and I just don't understand a word. She stands still so I can't pay attention. Can't I just sit like for one second. I really hate standing. 'so what is it?' wait did Roxy asked me somtimes 'what?' I say a little bit I dont know, I don't know anything 'so?' okay maybe I need to take something for my concentration and need go focus 'So what is you name?' I stare at her eyes who are brown but still so calming. 'ouch dumb*ss' I say to Chris cause he like teased me.

'Her name is Liza, I think your name is beautiful Roxy' Chris said and I whispered in his ear 'flirting much' 'jealous much' wow well that was harsh. That bitch is still standing against a wall, like sure got all day but if my legs fall off it is her fault. She goes to a closet and types in a code if I remember it correctly it was 220306. Wait that is the death date of my parents 'why is the password the death date?' nobody says a thing.

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