"Of course I will, but I'm totally gonna destroy you." I say while smirking..

"I'm younger than you so I'll definitely win." He says

I hand the cashier the money and we start walking back to his house. "What does age have to do with anything?"

"The older you are the slower you get. That's a fact." He says

"Oh yeah? How about we race back to the house and who ever wins is right?" I ask him.

"Okay." He says before running off.

"You cheater!" I yell before taking off behind him.


"You only won cause you've got longer legs than me." He says

We're sitting on the grass in the front yard trying to catch our breath.

I stick my tongue out at him, "You're just a sore loser."

"Come on, Let's go inside, I'll get you a glass of lemonade and then we can play with the toy that we got." I say while getting up.

He nods and goes inside.

After our drinks we set up the back yard so it was laid out with a bunch of different stuff to hide behind, almost like the lay out for paint ball but with objects from home. The objective is to capture the treasure, which was actually just a box with random things in it, and bring the box back to your home base. If you get hit by an arrow then you have to stop, count to five and then keep going. If you manage to get the treasure but get hit with an arrow on your way back to your home base then the other person has a chance to steal it.

"Alright, you ready to lose?" I yell over at him, from across the yard.

"Are you?!" He yells back.

"3,2,1 GO!" I yell and then start running towards the treasure while trying to dodge the arrows he's shooting at me and shoot some back at him.

I duck behind a couple of lawn chairs that were put together to catch my breath. I poke my head up from behind the chairs to see where he is and notice him hiding behind a flipped over outside table.

I take a deep breath and try to sneak over to the next hiding place without getting caught. As I get ready to run over to the hiding place, I feel a tap on my arm and realize he hit me with an arrow.

I groan and count to five as he starts running towards the treasure. He was about half way there when I was able to move again and started running towards it as well. I raise the Nerf bow and point it at him and fire an arrow as I'm running. He stops when it hits him on the back. I pass him just as he finishes counting and we both race to get to the treasure.

I make it there first, I grab the box and start running back to my home base. I feel a tap on my leg and stop and start to count. Just as I get to four Noah grabs the box and runs towards his home base. I shoot my last arrow at him but it misses him by a hair. I stop running once he makes it so his base.

He starts jumping and yells, "Yeah! woohoo!"

I run to him and hold my hand up, he gives me a high five.

I check my phone and see it's five o'clock, "Lets clean up before your parents get home."


We finished cleaning up the yard in about twenty minutes, his parents will be back around Six o'clock so I still have to make him dinner.

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask him

"Can I have chicken nuggets?" He asks without looking up from doing his homework.

"Sure." I answer, taking the nuggets out of the freezer and preheating the oven.

Ten minutes later I pop the nuggets in the oven and put the timer on. I sit beside him at the table and help him with his homework as we wait for the nuggets to be done.

Twenty minutes later I take them out of the oven and give them to Noah. He finishes them just as his parents car pulls into the driveway.

"Alright, looks like It's time for me to go home." I stand up and walk towards the front door, Noah following behind me.

"Can we hangout again soon? I had a lot of fun today." He asks

"Absolutely. That's probably the most fun I've had in a while." I say back as I opening the door.

I give him a quick hug before I walk through the door, saying a quick hello to his parents as I pass by them to go home.

I go inside my house and re heat some left over pizza that was in the fridge. Then I go upstairs and change into my pajamas before laying down and watching Spider-man Homecoming.

A great way to finish off an amazing day.


Sorry this chapter is so late, I was visiting my dad on the weekend and was trying to catch up on everything else on Monday and Tuesday.

I hope you liked Noah Walsh, He's going to have a more active roll in my next book for season 3. He's played by Jack Moore, he's from Arrow.

This episode was the one where Jughead was getting initiated, so that was going on while she was babysitting. It will most likely be mentioned by Sweet pea or Quinn in the next chapter so that's why I still put the episode up top, even though she didn't participate in the initiation its

Hope you liked this chapter!

Have a great day/night!:)

I don't own the gif or Pictures above.

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